Lil Jeep-07

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 Everyone woke up super fucking early for our flight to Michigan. Although I was tired, I was happy to be back home and in my actual bed. But of course, the producers wanted to film right when the boys and I got to our apartment. 

"Could you guys get those fucking cameras out of my face before I break them?" The directer made them turn them off and I made my way to my room, slamming the door behind me. I was tired of filming, tired from the fight, tired from my parents, tired from Peep and Rio. I just wanted peace. 

I was gonna get in the shower, but the constant knocking on my door completely ruined that idea. Travis stood outside the door with a childish grin. "Get in here." He came in and laid on my bed, grabbing the giant bear that was on it. "I was about to get in the shower, asshole." He stuck his tongue out at me, making my roll my eyes in response. 

"You stink so you should still take that shower." Flicking him off, I made my way to the bathroom, turning the shower on. 

I didn't get in until a good ten minutes later. I just stood in front of the mirror, and doing so brought back so much I tried to forget. 

The door to my bathroom shut behind me as I slipped my tight, cold clothes off. It was freezing in my bedroom for some reason.

My hands gripped the counter as my brown orbs stared back at myself, acknowledging every bruise that was forming, fading, or was at it's peak. Hands tracing over them, I winced as I touched a small cut on my shoulder.

As the hot water ran down my body, so did the tears. I had felt completely broken for the first time in a long time...

When I got out, those feelings hadn't disappeared yet. It was like everything I went through was resurfacing, and I didn't know how to control the feelings that came with it. Travis was gone when I went back into my room, and before I put my clothes on, I took another look in the mirror. 

The cut that was once on my shoulder was now a scar. Fingers tracing over it, I winced at the memory of how I got it. 

"Jesus Christ, Aaliyah! Why do you have to be so fucking annoying!?" My body was curled in the corner of the room as glass shattered around me. Derek was lashing out again, and this time I can't control him. "I'm sorry..." He scoffed at my words. "Sorry! You don't get to be fucking sorry!" Once again, glass smashed around me. But this time, a piece of glass hit my shoulder, cutting straight through it.

I watched as the red liquid poured out, wanting to tend to my wounds but too scared to get up and move. I didn't know what he would do if I left without permission. "Get up, go clean it and come right fucking back." 

I put on a long sleeve and sweatpants, not wanting to get another peak at my body for the rest of the day. I found everyone In the living room and the cameras and producers were gone. They were all just sitting and watching a movie. "Bunny, come sit," Travis and Kyle made space between them so I sat down, resting my head on Travis' shoulder. 

"You okay?" His voice was low enough so only I could here. I wanted to lie and say yes, but instead, I shook my head no. "You wanna talk about it?" Once again, I shook my head no. 

"We should watch the conjuring universe in order!" Layla randomly yelled, making everyone jump. I threw a pillow at her, making her roll her eyes and give a small smirk. "Seriously, we can go get snacks watch the entire universe today. This is our only night we'll be free before we start filming again." Peep and Jazz got up, showing they were in. 

"I'm in, I have to pick some things up anyways." Travis stood up, nodding his head in agreement. "I'll ride with you-"

"-No, I can go by myself... I have to stop somewhere..." He knitted his eyebrows at my sudden protest, we usually went everywhere together, did everything together. "Okay... Well then I guess the rest of us are going in Kyle and I's cars." 

"Rio, come on, just a few... Please..." He shook his head no, sitting down on the bed. "I'm not letting you go down that path again, bunny. I wont let you turn out out like Cass." I kneeled between his legs, making him look at me. "And I wont, just a couple, just so I can get these stupid fucking memories out of my head." He sighed in frustration. Rio rarely got mad at me, and even when he did, he couldn't say no. 

"He got up, going over to a safe. He punched in the code and pulled out a bottle and baggys. "How many?" 

"Five." He deadpanned at me. "I promise I'll space them out." He sighed in defeat this time, placing the pills inside the bag and tying it, walking over and placing it in my back pocket. Yet, he didn't move. He stood there, eyes flicking between my eyes and lips. "I love you, don't do anything stupid." It's like he was constraining himself, trying to hold back from something. I made my way downstairs where I would find his dad and Emiliano. 

"Aaliyah! When did you get here?" Their dad brought me into a tight hug. "Hi, maybe fifteen minutes ago? Not sure." Eli eyed me down, theres also been tension between me, him and Rio. Him and I almost fucked and Rio found out, it didn't end pretty for Eli. He's the older brother so sometimes his ego gets in the way of things. 

"Papà, stanno insieme o qualcosa del genere?" I knew little Italian, but I knew when I was being talked about as well. "We're not, if that's so much of a concern to you. I just came to get something and be on my way." 

"You should come for dinner later, we're having some guests over and they would be pleased to meet you, principessa." I gave it a thought. While I do want to spend time with everyone, it'll be fun to get on Emilios nerves and taunt him. Guess I should dress extra slutty then. 

"Of course, I'll go and get ready," His dad smiled big, "Great! I'll have one of the drivers get you at eight."

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