Romeo's Regrets-02

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We're a few days in with the tour, and It's been better than I thought it would be; I usually just stay backstage and cheer Peep on from there. His energy on stage is amazing; you can just feel he loves what he does.

The lights, the music, the screaming fans; It's euphoric in all honesty. I was about to grab a water bottle when I heard my name be mentioned. I Quickly grabbed one and made my way close to the stage. Everyone was chanting my nickname. "I think they wanna see you, bunny!" I quickly shook my head no to which Peep pouted.

"Come on, don't be scared, they love you!" They all screamed my name louder, shouting "i love you" and much more. "See, come on!" He ran over to me grabbed his hand in mine. "It'll be okay..." He whispered so they weren't able to hear. Peep knew I didn't like to be in the spotlight. In the past couple of years, I developed really bad anxiety.

He walked me out on stage and the fans seemed really happy to see me. "Play star shopping." The DJ started running the backing track. I knew what he was doing; Gus wrote this song about me a few years ago along with a few others.

"I know that I'm not that important to you, but to me girl, you're so much more than gorgeous." His eyes burned deeply into mine the whole time, making butterflies fill my stomach. I'd be lying if I said this moment wasn't making me feel something. It felt wrong but so right all at once.

"Look at the sky tonight, all of the stars have a reason..." The song changed, making the crowd get hyper. It was Peep and Tacy's song: Witchblades. Tracy wasn't here which could only mean one thing... Peep wanted me to do Tracy's parts.

"There is no way I'm doing it." He handed me a mic, rolling his eyes at me. "Switchblades, cocaine! GothBoiClique make a hoe shake!" I rolled my eyes, I was really doing this, wasn't I? Well, there's no harm in it.

"In high school, I was a loner, I was a reject, i was a poser. Multiple personalities, I'm bipolar. I swear I mean well, I'm still going to hell." Peep took off one of his chains and put it on me while I was rapping. I could actually get used to this. When it got closer to the show ending, we sat down at the edge of the stage and let some of the fans ask questions since he's never really done that before.

We were hot and sweaty, and I was currently downing another bottle of water. "Did you and Peep date in high school?!" One of the fans shouted. We both looked at each other before bursting out laughing. "We didn't date per se, but we were definitely together for a while."

"How did you guys meet?"

"I guess. It's a good change though," The awfully loud chime rang, gaining my attention. Two oddly tallboys walked in laughing and goofing around. They stopped in their tracks when they looked towards the counter. "Who's the newbie?" The kid was tall, definitely over six feet. But it wasn't his height that grabbed my attention, it was his style. "Aaliyah Sonders," I stuck my hand out and he gladly accepted it.

The one next to him fell quiet at the mention of my name though. Eyebrows furrowing in confusion I asked, "Is there an issue?" It's like he snapped out of some sort of trance because a smile had made its way to his face almost immediately. "Your father... He's Joshua Sonders right? Like the old music producer?" Nodding my head yes, I grabbed the bags from the counter and checked my phone.

"Yeah, why? Do you know him?"He shook his head and looked at the tall boy. "Well I'm Jazz and this is Peep," My eyebrows furrowed, "Peep?" I questioned.

"Sort of like a nickname-"

"-He makes music," The girl behind the counter had cut him off and was visibly happy with herself with the way she was smiling ear to ear after. "Oh...well, that's cool. But if you were hoping to find a producer I can't really help you. My dad is strictly in the business field now, he gave up music a while ago," The boys nodded in understanding. things kind of felt awkward now.

I took this opportunity to say bye to the girl and start walking back. But before I could even get a block away, I heard someone yell my name. And to my surprise, it was the really tall boy-Peep. "What's up?" I walked towards him to hear him better. It's late and yelling really loud outside doesn't seem like a good idea.

"Jazz and I just wanted to let you know that if you ever need anything and see us around, don't be scared to ask," The corners of my mouth raised as a small smile perched its way up. "Thanks... That's really kind of the two of you," He chuckled. It was calming, something I could put on replay. "Sure... Anyways, stay safe Newbie, and don't go crazy, this place will come back to bite you in the ass one day,"

We explained the whole ordeal and even more. The fans were so interested in how we met, it was nice. I thought this tour would go completely wrong, but I seemed to be going perfectly.

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