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"I had a grand idea-" I had had to stop her there. "Chanel, last time you actually thought, we ended up here in L.A. with two of my exes, I don't think you should be allowed to make decisions anymore," She huffed, sitting down on my bed, handing me two plane tickets. "What are these for?"

"Do I have to explain everything to you, Bunny? We're going to be filming in Long Island and Michigan! Your dad still owns your old house and said we could film there and we can for sure show off all three of your houses in Michigan," Why exactly did she think this was such a "grand" Idea. That house brought me trauma, that whole city did in fact. There was no way I was going back there, and there was no way I was going to see my mom.

"I'm not doing it, you minus well get a refund on the one for Long Island, and I can go back home and let this be the end of things,"

"Or... You can stop being a stuck-up bitch and get over what happened several years ago and move on so that way I can see how things play out with you and your four lover boys," What was she even talking about at this point.

"Who are you even talking about?" She rolled her eyes as she began to get comfy on my bed. "Isn't it obvious? Peep, Rio, Josh, and Travis all want you,"

"Chanel, this isn't high school anymore-"

"And it doesn't have to be. But you need to accept the fact that boys are going to continue to want you, you look hot and you have such a beautiful personality and soul," She was right. I couldn't hold myself off from love forever. But that also didn't mean I was ready to get back in the dating game, I still needed time.

Healing takes time and tears and anger and a thousand different emotions, it's something you can't rush, or else you'll end up hurt all over again.

"I still need time, but I'll think about it. But we're not going to see my mom or my dad, otherwise, I'm leaving. But it wouldn't hurt to give Liza a visit, I haven't seen her since the day I left."

"The mafia princess suits you more than being labeled as a groupie," I was finally spilling everything to Melody and Layla, it kind of even felt like old times.

"Plus, Travis and Josh are basically the same people so it would make it seem like you have a type. That's not a good look when this whole thing is done and everyone catches on,"

"How would I be a groupie when I've known Peep for years? We were never officially together but we spent almost every waking morning together." They shrugged, turning back to their phones and drowning me out. Layla gasped as she looked at me again. "The production crew posted behind the scenes and you're in one of the clips," As if things couldn't get any worse, they did. "Show me,"

Handing me her phone, I watched the video. But it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was just a clip from all of us on break during filming, everyone was laughing and things were lighthearted.

"See, it's not bad. This is good for you,"

"When did any of you learn how to cook?" We were all sat inside of Peeps... Mansion? To be honest, it was pretty homey besides all the people who were always hanging around here. Not that we were constantly here, I've just had Chanel shove her phone in my face of his Instagram story.

"Since your dad taught me," Something about that sentence made my heart warm. "You still talk to him?" Josh came over and sat down next to me. "Yeah. I mean, he's still my sponsor, he's the reason I got so far with football. But I still have no idea what college I want to go to,"

"Same, actually. I mean, I had an idea for a while but I don't know anymore,"

As everyone came over and sat down, dinner began. It was nice though, it kind of even felt like old times. Tracy and Peep played us some unreleased music while everybody smoked, well everybody except me. I hadn't smoked for a while. Bad habits die hard, but not all I guess.

Peep stood in the doorway of the balcony staring at me. He took a drag of his blunt and the smoke came out thick like exhaust. His eyes lingered before they traveled down slowly, scanning every feature. When they came back up to meet me, that feeling of intimidation hit me again.

"I'll be right back," My words were quick and weren't even loud enough for everyone to hear me, they were all too engulfed in their own conversation, in their own world.

The noise drowned out as I closed the door behind me, I didn't dare to take another step. He sat in the large circle looking down at the streets in front. "It's crazy how so much can change in such a short amount of time,"

Since when was he poetic?

"What's your deal dude? You've been staring at me since the day I got here. I know were chill and all now but it's fucking-"

"You're beautiful... I don't think I ever told you that enough though. When I think about it, You were eve and I was the serpent,"

My breath hitched as his eyes met mine once more. "I tempted you because I saw something in you I couldn't find in anyone else,"

The door opened and Layla popped her head through. "Hey, we're all gonna head out to some killer party if you two wanna come?"

I looked towards peep who just looked at me. "No... We're gonna stay. Just keep an eye on CC and Travis for me please," Right as I said that Trav popped his head through the door as well. "See you later," He hadn't the most innocent and goofy smile on his face, but I could only bring myself to give him just the ghost of one.

Everyone piled out and the lights inside the house were shut off.

"You really hurt me, Gus... I can't just forgive you so easily," He sighed, sitting up slightly. The blunt that was once lit was now burned out. "I know, Liyah. I fucked up, and I can't take back what I did to you but at least let me make up for it,"

"You called me a whore. You said no one was ever going to love me as you did, you think you can make up for that then be my guest but there is no way in hell-"

I stopped breathing when I felt his lips on mine. And while I wanted to melt right into him, let him do whatever he wanted to me, I couldn't.

Like it was instinct, I pushed him off of me. But my palm hitting hard across his face was what shocked both of us. "You can't just do that! You don't get to kiss me like nothing ever happened between us, Gustav!"

He sighed, rubbing his hands across his face. "I know..."

We both fell silent, eyes connecting once again. "But was I wrong?" Was he serious? I scoffed, walking away towards the door before my back was harshly pushed against it.

"Was I wrong?" He had a stern look spread across his face, thumb tracing over my jawline before finding its way to my throat. "Maybe... I don't know yet,"

Come Over When You're Sober PT.2| A Gustav Ahr Fanfiction| Hellboyyy_Where stories live. Discover now