Romeo's Regrets-05

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I laid in bed in one of Rio's dress shirts scrolling through my social media, my account had gained thousands of new followers the more the record label posted about me. It was weird being in the public eye, I mean, I was known in high school because of my father but now hundreds of thousands of people know me.

I wasn't used to this sort of thing, I had to keep up with my social media and do everything right so my career would get ruined now. I didn't have the energy for all that plus my family life and Rio's family.

As if he heard me thinking about him, Rio popped his head through the door to see if I was up, coming over and sitting next to me on the bed. "We've got a business meeting with my dads business partners so get ready, don't wear anything that'll give the assholes a boner either."

"Just because you said that I will." He gave a mocking smile, making me laugh. I just put on a black suit, It what I used to wear sometimes to my dads meetings.

When we got to the house I realized these people were probably some big shots, it was nerve-wracking. "Be careful what you say around these people, they're like sharks."

"I've been dealing with those since I was younger, I'll treat it like a meeting with my fathers partners, but just act more like a cold-hearted bitch." He chuckled, pulling into the long, half circle driveway.

We were greeted by what I'm guessing were their body guards before we got out the car and were shown inside. The family stood around talking before they spotted us. "Ah, Rio! Questa deve essere la tua bellissima signora, ciao, Aaliyah!"

"Hello, it's nice to meet you..." I trailed my words off at the end, realizing I didn't ask Rio for their names. "Call me Joey," I gladly shook his hand. "Wow, Rio, you didn't tell us she was so polite."

"I'm sorry?-"

"This is Marilyn, think I might've forgot to mention they're my cousins..." Cousins? Fuck, I didn't think I'd be meeting more of his family. "Don't worry, we don't bite... I mean, everybody but me." I could see Rio visibly grow tense so I grabbed his hand and gave it a small squeeze to calm him down.

"Let's go to my office for some privacy." Rio's uncle, Joey, led us to his office where Rio and I sat down next to each other. He kept his arm around my shoulder, seemingly trying to intimidate his cousin. "So Aaliyah, where you from?"

"Born and raised her in Michigan, I lived in Long Island for a while too before moving back and now I'm between states." He nodded in understanding. "You'll be taking over with my nephew here and we need to make sure you know what your doing, you can't be making mistakes like this is a game."

"Trust me, I know it's not. I grew up around Rio since birth practically, I know what I'm getting myself into and I know how to handle things. Antonino took me under his wing, treated me like a Principessa. I was around him more than I was my own father," He smirked a little, I could tell he liked my answer. "Do you know how to defend yourself?"

"Jesus Christ, Aaliyah! Why do you have to be so fucking annoying!?" My body was curled in the corner of the room as glass shattered around me. Derek was lashing out again, and this time I can't control him. "I'm sorry..." He scoffed at my words. "Sorry! You don't get to be fucking sorry!" Once again, glass smashed around me. But this time, a piece of glass hit my shoulder, cutting straight through it.

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