Rival vs crush

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<Uraraka POV>

I stepped into the area and was greeted with many cheers . I think this was because i was on deku's team for the cavalry battle or because bakugo doesn't have a very likeable personality.

He's so angry that it blinds him from his own strength. I can use that as an advantage by keeping calm and making him angry. He gets sloppier when he's mad.


The crowd went wild chanting my name. My plan was already in motion even though the fight hasn't even started yet. Bakugo was already annoyed judging from his facial expression.

"ON YOUR MARKS" midnight started.

My feet dug into the ground as i prepared to pounce in his direction . There was an eerie silence from the crowd as they were on edge.


I brought my hands into a running positions arms. Since i was gonna attack by making him float .

"GOOOO" Midnight screamed into the mic.

I charged at bakugo at full speed. I guess he was shocked at this approach since his eyes opened wide when he saw me .


He shot a massive explosion sending me far across the arena. There was already rubble all over the floor. My shirt had little damage just a few holes in the sleeves although there were scuffs on my face already.

The battle had just started and the winner did too. Bakugo was just to advanced to tackle but i have to try .

"BOOOOOO" the crowd bood.

I got back up to see a undamaged bakugo sitting their . He seemed very pissed off.

"BE A BETTER OPPONENT, YOUR USELESS" Bakugo yelled in anger.

I had to think of a better plan. I started to touch the rubble with all five fingers to make them float. Maybe I could take him out with it.

After I have finished collecting as much rubble as I could I prepared to attack. I rushed over to him again .

"WOOOOHOOOO GO URURAKA " the crowd yelled.

I aimed the rocks to me above bakugo as i ran towards him. He didn't suspect a thing .
I saw little sparks of explosion coming of from his hands as he prepared to make his next move.

My hands moved together as the shadows from the rock above his head became noticeable. My finger connected as I shouted....


The rocks all came crashing down repeatedly smashing into his body. This could be the end for him . Maybe I am not as weak as I thought.
Where bakugo once way there is a pile of rocks . I did it ..... I actually won.

Midnight put her mouth to her mic to say that I have one but was cut off .

"RAHHHHHH" bakugo yelled as he exploded the rubble to pieces

My heart dropped . Bakugo looked to have taken a tiny bit of damage but apart from that he seems fine . Just a couple scuffs and bruises.

"BOOOOO" the crowd yelled but bakugo just spat on the floor.

"YOUR GONNA PAY" He yelled .

He started repeatedly spamming me with explosions . It felt like my body was being ripped apart. Burn marks were all over my body . Blood dripped from my body.

He was beating me so bad . I could never be a hero . He could cause me permanent damage.


Bakugo didn't hear . I suspect he could of damaged his ears from all of the uses of his quirk since he makes loud noises.

He continued to throw me around the arena not caring about what the teachers say. I gained Cuts bruises and maybe a couple broken bones .

<Uraraka's Dad>

I watched the TV in complete horror as my daughter looked like she was getting beaten to death by her fellow student. The teachers were yelling for him to stop but he didn't listen.

How could someone be so crazy .

My wife and I cried he continued but then we saw a green flash of light appear on our screens.

<Deku POV>

Kacchan was about to kill her . Two more hits and she would be knocked out . Another few more and she would be dead.

I know its against the rules to help another student but i have to . I cant just let her die when i have a chance to help.

"ONE FOR ALL FULL COWLING 20%" I mentally yelled.

I jumped out of the stands right in the view of the camera's. I launched into the arena and cracked the ground. I started running to kacchan who as about to land a finishing move on her.

"SMASHHHH" I yelled .

The shockwaves sent him flying out of the ring . He landed in the hallway that leads to the entrance of the arena. The entire crowd was silent as i picked up Uraraka.

The camera's were all on us as Uraraka's hurt body was in view . She sleepily started to speak.

"I think you've earned something" Uraraka said nearly unconscious .

"Whats tha--" I was cut off by Uraraka smacking her lips onto mine.

A cloud of blush appeared on my face. She was clearly blinded by her sleepiness and didn't understand what she was doing.

"Take me home" she told me as she fell asleep.

"AWWWW" the crowd said.

Recovery girl started rushing in to take her into UA's office to do some healing . I stood their in the middle of the arena in shock. I slowly started panicking .

This is on live tv. My mom saw. Uraraka's parents saw. Her dads gonna kill meee. My moms gonna have a heart attack.

I deactivated one for all and put my hand on my forehead to dry the sweat. The entire crowd stared at me as i walked out of the arena with my shoulders dropped.

I went to the waiting room outside of Recovery girls office which is where Uraraka is. After she gets healed she should return back to here. That is if she is alive or not .

<Uraraka's Dad POV>

I saw my little ochako kiss the boy who saved her on the lips. Has she got a boyfriend . I have to meet him . She cant just kiss him like that without my approval . What if he is playing her .

"HOW DARE HE" I yelled into the screen.

"Relax honey she kissed him , not the other way she must have had a good reason" My wife interrupted me.

"I guess your right" i said slouching.

"Also you saw how he just jumped in to save her , she could be dead if he didn't do that" she continues.

Maybe this kid isn't too bad.

"He's not a bad catch either you saw how he has all those quirks , He can easily help her be a better hero" .

-end of chapter

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