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<Deku POV>

"Our meeting today will be focused on the disappearance of a seven year old girl named Eri" night eye said to all of the hero agencies

"She was last seen with a man named chisaki you may know him as overhaul the man who has apparently been giving out quirk removing drugs" night eye explained

The entire time Mirio and I both had our heads down . We were the last ones to see her and we did nothing . I know it was the right decision in the long run but Eri was still in our grasps and we said no.

Ochako tried to comfort me but it wasn't working . The other heroes were in shock at how disgusting someone at that age could be taken for years on end . They thought of what chisaki could be doing to her and the pains he could have been going through.

"In these quirk removing drugs that we gained from kirishima , tamaki and fatgum's fight we discovered something" night eye swallowed annoyed at the next words that would release from his mouth

"Human cells were found in the drugs" he blurted out shocking the heroes .

"Y-you cant be serious" rock lock said horrified

"We have reason to believe the young girl Eri who overhaul has captured may be having experiments on her quirk to create these bullets" night eye continued , the heroes around him looked like they were about to barf at the thought of a man tampering with little Eri for his own gain

"Sir how did you find out about Eri" kirishima asked

Mirio and I instantly shot up realising what was about to happen . Our eyes crossed each other in the mist of shame and we collectively gulped . Ochako rubbed circles in my back which at least helped ease my shame .

"On Mirio and midoriya's patrol yesterday at 12:30pm they encountered chisaki in an allyway with Eri" night eye revealed . Mirio and I both looked down to the ground in shame again . The heroes didn't know the full story

"She seemed to be in grave condition , we can tell from the extensive amount of bandages on her arms" night eye told us

"She seemed to be extremely scared as she was running away , we can tell she wanted safety as she instantly went over to deku and hugged him." Night eye continued

"After that they let her go back to him so he doesn't cause any major damage to buildings or other people near by" night eye explained

Mirio and I gritted our teeth and stood up tall . Our heads pulled up as far as possible . Our eyes squinted as we let out a cheer.

"I PROMISE SIR WE'LL SAVE HER NEXT TIME" we both yelled at once

"Man overhaul isn't manly at all" kirishima muttered

"I've called this meeting to ask if you guys have any experiences like this so we can pin point the rough location of them" nighteye asked

All the heroes shook their heads . I stood up eyes filled with determination. The room all stared at me confused. They knew I found her but how was I going to save her once more ....

"Night eye I know where she is" I announced

"W-what" he said perplexed

"It's a secret quirk of mine" I lied

It wasn't a full lie . Technically I could have used check point to return to the original timeline and then return to the Overhaul fight but I didn't do that . I recalled the location based on memory . None of the heroes could have guessed that .

I walked up to the map of the local area that night eye had in his meeting room . I grabbed night eyes pointer and pointed to the rough location of where Eri was in the map . The heroes looked back at me confused as that was just a road.

"Uhm that's a road" rock lock pointed out

"You don't say captain obvious"Ochako muttered under her breath

The other heroes smirked at rock lock who was not amused at the comment. Ochako decided she was going to hide in her coat forever and get me to bring her food out of embarrassment...

"I meant under the road they have a secret area I can bring you there tomorrow , we can use today to prepare for the fight" i explained

This caught the attention of all the heroes who didn't have any leads on this guy . They were basically relying on me to be telling the truth for this to work out . I was but would you believe some guy who said that a bit of cement actually had a secret base under it.

"I say we try it" Night eye told the heroes

"WHAT why" rock lock yelled the first part

"What other choices do we have" night eye shot back

"I guess your right" rock lock angrily replied

"Meeting is over report back to us tomorrow at that location" he said while using his other pointer

"Make sure to wear your hero costumes and all your gear from what I've heard of overhauls quirk it could be very dangerous"nighteye explained

The heroes nodded in response and started walking out of the room . They ended up talking over the plan for the attack on overhaul. The students walked over to a near by table and chairs .

Once I sat down I instantly flipped my head onto the table . Mirio did the same . The rest of the students tried to comfort us but it just wasn't working . Kirishima stood up and looked at mirio and I.

"Come on man we'll save her and you know it" kirishima said with his hand in front of me waiting for me to grasp it

"Your right" i blurted out as i grasped his hand

"We'll save her" i started

"Together" all the students continued

I looked at everyone determined and my classic smile returned to my face . From what I could tell from their faces they were probably mentally cheering at me . I smirked knowing my adventure was about to get way worse .

I knew what was coming and I was horrified of it . Shigaraki was in the distant future and I didn't even have my pillar of support all might . Someone had replaced him as my pillar of support .

It wasn't just someone.... it was many people ... Class 1A will never let me down.... I'm sure of it...

Even if they do il always have Ochako....

-end of chapter

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