First patrol

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<Deku POV>

Mirio and I stand tall at night eyes desk . He rolls his eyes confused at us . Nighteye was sitting on his desk chair about to announce where we would be patrolling .

"Alright" he said while clasping his hands together

He stood up and pulled out a long wooden stick . He pointed it at the massive screen which had a detailed lay out of the city . Mirio and I looked towards the screen

"You will be circling around this area" night-eye told us while dragging the long wooden stick around the map of the city to make a rough outline.

"You should finish by around 2:30 PM and then bubble girl will take over after" night-eye explained

"YES SIR" mirio and I yelled

"Skedaddle" nighteye said and we exited the room . Mirio and I walked down the long stretch of side walk . It had many ally ways . I spent most of our walk expecting a frightened Eri to come out.

I was still unsure of what I should to when I come in contact with her . Do I take her from chisaki or do I wait till Everyone is ready .....

"So Whats your hero name" mirio asked randomly

"Well it's Deku" i replied shyly

"Doesn't that mean useless" mirio questioned confused

"Well it used to" i started

"Someone very dear to me changed the meaning of it"

"She said it sounded like the word dekiru which means you can do it" i explained

"OH I THINK I KNOW WHO IT IS" Mirio yelled


"yes" i replied blushing

"Knew it" mirio mumbled

Suddenly a girl with white hair and a horn bolted out from an allyway . Behind her in the dark was a tall-ish man with a bird mask . These two people were obviously eri and chisaki.

Eri insanity clutched onto me and tightened her grip. I could tell she hated it with him . Now came the real decision would i save her or would I let her come back to him .

If I took Eri overhaul would probably go Beserk on the city which could cause major property damage and make people gain millions of yen in debt . If I let her go back I can have little to no property damage while knowing her exact location making it simple to save her .

I think it's pretty obvious what the better choice is .

"Oh I'm sorry , this is just my little daughter eri who's been very naughty" chisaki said menacingly

I looked at mirio who was as conflicted on what to do as I was . Eri still clutched onto my chest . It was probably the only human contact besides damage to her body that she gets .

"That's fine sir" I say releasing eri's grip on me

"eri and I better be going" chisaki told us as he walked back into the dark allyway

At first eri didn't follow him and continued to clutch onto my chest . Chisaki's hand stretched the fabric of his glove which made her loses her grip . As she was leaving my grasp I whispered into her ear .

"Don't worry Eri I'll save you"

She tried to force a smile as she walked over to chisaki . Once they left our field of view I looked up at mirio who was a little shocked . He had never been in such a situation before .

Class 1A were usually the ones who were targeted by the villains so the older years were pretty safe . You could tell by looking at mirio's face that he didn't like having to let eri go . He had similar views to all might and I so I understood his pain .

"Lemillion call night eye" I told him as he quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket

Mirio and I stood on the edge of a street while he dialled night eyes number .

"BEEP BEEP" the phone rang

"Hello mirio why are you calling so early your supposed to finish in a few hours" night eye asked

"Night eye whilst patrolling we found the guy" mirio said

"YOU WHAT" night eye yelled

"Chisaki the guy you have on the wanted posters in the meeting room" mirio confirmed

"Ah I see" night eye replied

"We saw him and during our meeting he was with a little girl no older than 7" I jumped into the conversation

"She heavily implied that she was going through immense stress with him he mentioned her name was eri" i explained

"I'l see what I can do about it" he said to us

On the the other side of the call we could here a radio of some sorts . From what I could tell night eye was going to announce something to the local hero's .

"Calling all near by agencies I invite you to a meeting about the leader of the shie hassaikai ksi chisaki" he spoke into the mic

"I repeat I invite you to a meeting about the leader of the shie hassaikai tomorrow at 12AM" he continued

He soon returned to the call and dismissed us from our patrol early. Mirio and I made our way back to UA but the mood was dark. Even mirio a person like all might who never stops smiling still managed to frown on this day .

The thought that a defenceless 7 year old was probably getting damaged as I walk back to my home was horrifying . Since I was dismissed early I might as well rejoin the class that would have been going on if I didn't have the agency.

When I entered the room only a select few students were in the class . They had their work studies at different times to others . Aizawa looked at me a little sad since he actually got the message from night eye about mirio and I'd discovery .

I sat back down on my seat and nearly mumbled my way to sleep . I was so invested in figuring out the best strategy to get eri back to safety . The other students were mumbling about why I wasn't in my agency but I couldn't care less about other people.

My main focus for today and tomorrow was getting Eri back and making it as painless and less traumatic that it was before . After class ended I grabbed my equipment with a face full of determination.

I had to get her back....


-end of chapter

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