A new trial

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<Deku POV>

Aizawa walked into class . He seemed more refreshed than his other lessons . Perhaps it had to do with Mrs joke but who knows . He places a pile of papers on his desk and starts to announce today's lessons

"Good morning class" he told us

"Morning sir" we all replied

"A new trial lays ahead of you" he says in the most heroic voice he can do

This intrigues the class as they thought all the hardships of UA could have started to slow down a little . Little did they know that they were dead wrong...

"Work studies" he announces

Kirishima's hand flies up into the air . He manages to catch the attention of Aizawa as Aizawa points towards him.

"Yes" aizawa says


"Yes they are but we thought we could give your class a chance , unfortunately you will rack up a lot of absences from these since you guys have tons of classes" he explained

Some students smiled as they realised they could miss some of the useless classes (according to my head cannon) such as mic's English class and some other classes.

"I suggest you ask the hero's you got for your internships if they are open for work studies, if not you can try at other places" Aizawa continued

"Class dismissed" he said as the class instantly shot up out of their chairs

They all grabbed their stuff and started making their way out of the class . In the back I saw a large amount of brown hair and knew it had to be Ochako . I thought it would be a good idea to talk to her since we both went to gun-heads .

"Ochako" i said

She jolted out of her day dreaming and turned around to face me . I wonder what she was thinking about...

"Yes izu" she replied

"Should we call gunhead and see if he's accepting work studies" I asked

"I'm ok with that just let's go back up to our room it's a little awkward calling the middle of a hall way" she told me

I nodded as we started walking over to the dorms . On our walk we just had some casual chit chat so we didn't die of boredom while walking through UA grounds . It isn't the most exciting of destinations once you start coming here daily

We soon made it to our dorm and let ourselves in . We dropped our bags near the entrance and Ochako pulled out her new phone that I bought for her new phone (THIS IS A REFERENCE TO THE SPORTS FESTIVAL)

"BEEP BOOP BEEP BOP" Ochako dials gunheads number

"RING RING" the phone rings while we wait for him to pick up

"Hello uravity why have you called" gun head asks

"Hey gunhead izuku and I have come to ask about your work study program , is it still open" she asks

"Sorry uravity it's closed due to some hero work I'm busy on I'm sure there are other places you can go to" he explains

"That's alright gun head we'll find somewhere else bye" Ochako said

"Bye" he replied before hanging up on the call

"Well crap" i said snapping us out of the serious mood

"I have an idea for where I could go to but I'm not sure about you" i told her

"I mean maybe you should look at your nominations from the sports festival and ask one of them" i suggested

"Wow that's actually a good idea" she told me as she kissed my cheek

I blushed heavily and pulled out my phone . "I'm gonna make a call to someone" i tell Ochako

"Alright cya izu" she waved at we as i exit the door

I walk down the hallway and make it down to outside the dorm building . I whip out my phone and dial Gran Torino's number .

"RING RING" my phone rings

"Hello who is this" Gran Torino said

"It's me izuku" I explained

"Oh your the good for nothing one for all user that got himself and his class killed" gran Torino retorted

"Hey that wasn't my fault anyway I would like to ask you if you could introduce me to nighteye dad"s side kick"I told him

"Well there might be a problem with that" Gran Torino said

"What how" I asked confused

"I've had a lead on the location of kurogiri and I've been working my ass of with him while you've been taking out low class villains like toga" he yelled at me through the phone

If he was there next to me I could imagine him smashing his cain into my skull just like he's done before to dad and I . I guess beating the new one for all user is a tradition of gran Torino's

"Oh that makes sense" i tell him

I remember hearing about that on TV . Sadly I dont have much information to help him with on how to catch him or even his whereabouts.

"Anyway isn't their that 3rd year mirio togata that you could ask to help you get a interview with nighteye , he works there doesn't he" gran Torino proposes

DOH, why didn't I think of that . I could easily have just asked mirio to help with this . It's almost like the writer of this fanfic is really struggling on getting this chapter to over 1000 words .

I'm not very close to mirio yet so I could be a little awkward just coming up to him without all might explaining stuff to him . It shouldn't be to hard to ask him normally since he's one of those kind of people who is easy to talk to no matter who you are .

"GRAN TORINO YOUR A GENIUS" i yell down the phone

"No kid your just stupid" he shoots back

I roll my eyes and frown in real life . Luckily this isn't real life so he didn't spot that moment of weakness .

"Anyway Gran Torino thanks for the help " i tell him

"Dont mention it" he replies

"BYE" i yell

"Cya kid" he responded

-end of chapter

Omg the amount of stretching I had to perform.....

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