Deku vs toga

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<Deku POV>

One for all left my body as i forces my fist into the side of her face . I'm not trying to decapitate her just detain her . She stumbles back and puts her hand up to a scratch mark on her cheek

She puts her finger over the blood and drags her finger to her mouth before licking the blood off . She smiled creepily towards me while I tried to keep my cool .

"Yum my blood is tasty BUT YOURS WILL BE TASTIER" she yelled the last bit while dribble released from her mouth

She rushed towards me and her hands gripped onto my shoulders . She released one hand and dragged a knife across my costume . I shuddered as the knife cut through the fabric of my costume .

I jumped back while kicking her in the stomach sending her a little back . She licked her lips while looking at the cut across my costumes chest .

"So close" she said with her tongue hanging out

"It's time to take this up a notch" i announced as one for all re awakened inside me

"ONE FOR ALL 15%" I mentally yelled

I dash towards her and grabbed her foot and swung her into the wall . A little drastic for a start of a fight but I'm trying to get her down as fast as possible.

I grabbed the knife out of her hand and s threw it away . Hopefully that didn't hit Any students .....

She slowly crawled out of the creator and attempted the scratch me with her nails . I just about dodged her nails . I cant let her get my blood  ...

"AHAHAHAHAH" she giggles as she gets closer to me ..

Wow this woman is really freaking me out . Just like last time I fought her . She dashed towards me and instead of attacking me she dived under my legs and yanks the knife from off the floor behind me.

She attempted to stab into my foot with the knife but mei's enhancements stopped her from being  able too . I kicked her while her hand was still on my foot sending her back into the creator she was in before .

Now a little shaken up toga gets back up knife still in hand . She wins really determined to get that blood ...

"COME ON IZUKU YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME" she yelled creepily

I shot her an angry expression before slapping her right in the face . She was shocked since she didn't expect that kind of attack coming from a kicking and punching based hero....

I slid under her legs imitating the move she used on me to regain her knife . This time I jumped up and kicked her back into the ground . As I was about to finish her off she got up off the ground and sliced my cheek with the knife.

I instantly cupped my cheek making sure to not let any dripping blood get caught by her. She smirked evilly as she went in for another attack . Presumably this was gonna be her ultimate move since she was getting tired while I was barely breaking a sweat .

"YOUR MINE IZUKU" she screeched as she prepared to stab me in the stomach

"NO" i said as i gripped her arm

"IM" i aimed my fist at her while I held her up in the air

"NOT" i yelled as i slammed my fist into her for an ultimate move

"SMASHHHHHH" I screamed sending her flying into another rock .

I instantly made my way towards her and checked if she was conscious . She was out cold on the ground . I wrapped her in black whip and jumped back to the stands where Aizawa dm Mrs joke were .

"I got her" I told sir

"Yeah I can see" aizawa snarkily replied and I rolled my eyes

I handed toga over to Aizawa who brought her over to recovery girl for treatment. She had to be tied down with some metal equipment since we wouldn't want recovery girl to be hurt if she woke up.

Although toga is a criminal we can't just let her suffer without helping her . After all being a hero is about helping anyone no matter the cost .

-After the exam

Ochako and I walked home together after the exam . She spent most of the walk Ogling at her hero license with her big brown adorable eyes. She reminds me of how I was when I first got mine.

She barely managed to pass the exam since she had more work to do compare to last time . Before Sero , me and Ochako evenly distributed out inputs for the plan but now she had to either do it on her own or find someone else .

"You look happy ocha" i pointed out

"Well I'm just excited I'm getting closer and closer to being like you a real hero" she pointed out

I smiled happily knowing that someone idolises me even though I think I'm not strong enough .

"Maybe in the future I will be able to help my parents with their debt or I could get them a vacation to the Maldives or something" she explained

"You know Ochako I'm proud of you" I blurt out

"Thank you" she replied while smiling.

"So how did you pass" I asked curiously

"Give me a run down of your exam" i continued

"Hero fanboy" she muttered under her breath

"Well at the beginning of the match class 1A stuck together fighting off the other school but then a student with a quirk to do with earthquakes set one of which ended up separating us" she explained

This was sounding identical to how it happened but I have a feeling it's about to drastically change . Her face stayed determined the entire time while explaining each detail of the exam.

"I just about escaped the grasp of all the students that came in contact with me but after most of the exam had finished I saw a great beam of light and I knew it had to be aoyama" she told me and I laughed

Aoyama had a big part in how she passed so I might give him a little present to repay him . Maybe il give him some cheese

"Soon the remaining class 1A members all helped each other out and we all passed together" she said while jumping up and down

"Good job Ocha" I complimented

"Thanks izu" she replied and we continued walking back to UA

-end of chapter

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