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Italics will be flashbacks. :-)



I grasped the mane of my pegasus tightly as the wind howled in my face and whipped stray pieces of my hair into my eyes and mouth. Rain hammered down, threatening to batter me off of my pegasus - if I hadn't already frozen to death before then.

"NOT MUCH FURTHER!" I vaguely heard Percy shout.

"Maybe we should send a scout team," Malcom suggested. "That way we have an idea of the fortifications and where Tartarus has placed his troops."

"We only have four pegasi left," Will told him.

"Four people will be fine. They just have to do a general sweep of the area then fly back."

"Seems simple enough," I said.

"Nothing is ever that simple Piper," Percy reminded me.

Oh, how right he was. The storm worked against us, like Tartarus had control over the skies instead of Zeus. Which, to be honest, wasn't the most unbelievable idea. We hadn't heard from the gods (not even Artemis) since Hades had sent Hermes. You're not going to lull Tartarus to sleep, I thought.

I sighed and buried my face further into the pegasus' neck to protect myself from the icy torrent that continued to assault me.

"I'll take three volunteers then," Percy offered.

"Are you sure Percy?" Thalia questioned. "You don't have to-"

"I'm the only one who can talk to the pegasuses." Percy frowned at his statement. "Pegasi?" he corrected.

"I'll go," Hazel decided.

No one dared object, after her ferocious outburst earlier.

"Me too," Will added. "If we do get spotted-"

"Which is quite likely," Percy admitted.

"-we should have someone with medical experience."

The room seemed to agree with that.

"I'll-" Peter began but was quickly shut down by an immediate "no" from Will and Percy. Peter frowned in confusion, and Will only had to point to his broken arm as an explanation. "Riiiiight," Peter admitted, sheepishly.

"I'll go," I declared, filling in the final slot.

"Are you sure Piper?" Percy questioned, clearly referring to my personal stake in the quest.

"Yeah," I said. This was my last chance to save Jason before he's killed for being on the wrong side. I had to try.

"No engaging remember," Malcom reminded the four of us. "Even if you see a prisoner, we can't afford to lose any more campers."

The four of us immediately started protesting.

"Don't you think I want my sister back too?!" Malcom shouted. "This mission is risky enough as it is! We can't afford to be reckless!"

"Remind me why Percy is leading this mission," Thalia deadpanned.

Soon enough, the storm became too much for the pegasi. We were moving so slowly it almost felt like we were going backwards. And when Hazel was almost blown off of her pegasus, Percy ordered the pegasi to land.

"We'll wait out the storm!" He yelled as we touched down.

"Anyone see a shelter!?" Will shouted.

Using a hand to shield my eyes from the rain somewhat, I peered into the darkness. My eyes finally landed on a mound of large rocks piled up against a small cliff face. "There!" I yelled, pointing toward my discovery.

The four of us trudged toward the shelter, our arms over our faces in an attempt to defend ourselves from the rain.

The four of us and our winged horses took shelter in the small cave we found the rocks protecting where we shivered in our drenched clothes and dripping hair. Well, all of us bar Percy who had kept himself from being wet.

We had stripped down to the bearest layers to stop ourselves from catching hypothermia, leaving our dripping wet clothes sprawled out on the floor. But it didn't do much to keep us from being cold. Percy had given me his jacket for which I had never been more grateful for anything.

I suddenly found myself missing Leo again. I felt the absence of him and his warmth intensely as I slowly froze to death. I wasn't just missing his fire, but the warm laughter he seemed to cause wherever he was present. I smiled as I thought of a joke he would make in a situation like this.

I looked to my present company: Will, who was trying desperately to start a fire with some damp twigs; Hazel, who was wrapped up in the big, fluffy hoodie Percy had gifted to her; and Percy, who was brushing her hair with his fingers absentmindedly.

They seemed almost relaxed. Which was strange considering the time pressure.

"You guys have 24 hours to get in and get out before we send everyone else," Malcom instructed. "Any longer...and...well, let's just say we'll avenge you."

"That means don't screw up Kelphead," Thalia said in a jokey tone - though the words were deadly serious.

"Any luck with the fire Will?" I asked, just to break the silence.

"Nope," Will answered. I wasn't really expecting another answer, but I was still disappointed.

"Might as well get some sleep," Percy suggested. "This storm doesn't look like it's letting up any time soon.

I losten to the rain as it hammered down and the thunder as it continued to roar outside. No, it didn't.

"Alright then," I agreed, lying back against the wall of the cave. "Don't forget to wake me up before we leave." I wasn't sure why I said that. I guess, somewhere deep down, I felt like that's what Leo would've said.

Percy chuckled. "How could we forget about you Beauty Queen?" He joked, clearly getting into the Leo spirit.

I laughed as I closed my eyes and stretched out my legs, listening to the storm as I slowly drifted off the sleep.

I laughed as I closed my eyes and stretched out my legs, listening to the storm as I slowly drifted off the sleep

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Okay guys, this is the last bit of downtime before everything goes to hell. :-)

Sorry I'm a little late, I planned on extending this chapter but I realised it was better split into two. Hope it wasn't too boring.


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