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"Where do you want these Coulson?" I asked as I stepped into his office carrying a stack of files.

"Just dump them on the desk."

I raised my eyebrows. "That's a very un-Coulson-like response. Are you ok?" Nevertheless, I placed the stack on the desk and leant against it.

"Pretty sure," he replied, turning away from the window and back to me. "I guess it's just stress."

"Stress of what?"

"New inhuman, the ATCU, Simmons..."

"Yo-Yo? She's a new addition to our Secret Warriors. A good thing," I retorted, adding emphasis on the word 'good'. "The ATCU reports to you now, remember? And Simmons is okay. She's adjusting. Which makes me think you're worried about something else." I made eye contact with him, trying to see inside his head. "Come on AC, you can tell me."

"I'm fine Sk-Daisy."

I frowned. "I'll get it out of you." I smiled slyly. "In the meantime, is there..."

An intruder alert cut off my sentence. Coulson rushed over to his desk and tapped a button making the security feed come up on the computer.

"Uh oh," he muttered. His wide eyes were fixed on the screen.

"What? Who is it?" I walked over to the feed and saw two familiar looking people at our front door. It was the kind of familiar like when you see a celebrity out in public. "Who are th..." Then it clicked. "That's Tony Stark, Iron Man. And that's Black Widow." I stared at the screen in disbelief for a moment before turning to Coulson. "H-how? Why are they here?"

"I don't know. But they can't see me here."


"I'm dead. Remember?" He said, putting finger quotes around the word 'dead'.

"What do we need to do?"

Suddenly everyone burst in. "What's going on?" Asked Fitz.

"Black Widow and Iron Man are here," I replied curtly.

He held his mouth open in shock along with a few others but I turned the screen around to them to prove it.

Coulson suddenly snapped into action. "May, I need you and Daisy to go and get rid of them. Politely if possible."

"Why me?" I asked.

"I feel like you and Stark would get along well."

"In that case I should go too," Hunter inturrupted, "me and Black Widow would get along super well."

"Hey, your wife standing behind you," Bobbie sniped.

"Ex-wife," he pointed out, which earned him a hard smack round the head.

"And that is why you're not going. The rest of you get back to work, but remain on alert."

They all nodded and made their way out of the room, with Mack muttering something about super heroes. May and I followed behind. Just before I got out the door I turned back to Coulson and asked, "Why don't you just tell them you're alive?"

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