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"And you'll call me when you get to San Francisco?" He checked, letting go of my hand and stepping in front of me.

"I told you I don't have a phone," I reminded him and tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear.

"Then call me from a pay phone," he ordered. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of change. "Here," he said, pressing the coins into my palm. "No excuses now."

I smiled at him, teeth and all. "Okay. I promise to call." I pocketed the cash.

Pleased with my answer he put down my suitcase and pulled me in close. He placed a smooth hand on my cheek and the other arm wrapped around my waist. He leaned in close and kissed my cheek. Then he put his lips to my ear and whispered, "Love you."

I grabbed his face gently with both hands and mapped out his stubbled chin in my hands. Not wishing to forget him. I drank in every inch of his face. Savouring his deep, dark blue eyes, that were the colour of the night sky. A night sky full stars. His peach pink lips that I had kissed more times then I could count. I ran my hands through his soft and shaggy chesnut hair. "How is your hair softer than mine?"

He grinned. "Is that code for something?"

"Yeah, what conditioner do you use?"

He raised an eyebrow. I sighed contentedly. "It's code for I love you too."

Then he pressed his lips to mine and kissed me deeply.

This is the last call for flight 627 to San Francisco Airport

I broke off the kiss, internally screaming at the airport for more time. "Well," I sighed, "I guess it's goodbye."

"Not forever," he declared and kissed my hand like the prince he was. "Have a nice flight. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." I picked up my case and made my way to the gate.

"Call me," he yelled, startling an old lady beside him.

I laughed as I watched him apologise profusely. "I will," I called back. I turned away and didn't look back, knowing that if I did, I might not ever leave.

"Goodbye Miles Anluan."



"I think we need to consult Rachel," I suggested.

Annabeth nodded. "If we really are facing another threat then we're gonna need a prophecy."

"I hate the fates," Percy growled through gritted teeth. His sea green eyes clouding with anger. The rage was flooding out of him in waves.

"You shouldn't speak out against the fates Percy." Piper warned. "They might..."

"Might what?!" He yelled, forcing Piper to jump a few feet back. I feared the look he had on his face. One of pain and anger and hate. When I first met him I thought he was a god, but he seemed to kind and gentle to act like one. Now, he couldn't be closer. And what scared me more, was the power I could sense. Beneath his feet I could feel the ground vibrating. So gently no one would notice but I did. He looked to Annabeth and continued his enraged rant. "What more can they possibly do to us?! Send us to Hell?! Seperate us?! Been there, done that! Why do the fates hate us?!"

Annabeth placed a hand on his chest and whispered something to him. He took a breath and reduced the boiling anger back to a simmer. "You're right. I'm sorry." He glanced at Piper's fearful face. "I'm sorry Pipes. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just...pissed."

Piper smiled in understanding. "It's okay Perc. We're all pissed. Let's just find the pegasi and get back to camp to get a prophecy."

"I'll tell Dakota we're leaving him in charge," Frank announced.

"I'll go with him. You guys find the pegasi and go. Frank and I will catch up."

The group nodded and took off down the hill. I followed Frank back to New Rome.


"I think we're leaving camp in good hands. Reyna should be back later anyway so, he can't possibly screw up camp to badly within...six hours."

Frank gave me a look. "I think we underestimate his abilities while under the influence of kool aid."

"And that's why Gwen is overseeing him," I reassured Frank.


"Are you stalling so you don't have to ride Arion?" I asked him with a smirk lining my face.

He turned slightly red. "Uhhh no?" He replied unconvincingly.

I laughed. "It's not like Percy's here to translate his thoughts."

He considered this for a moment with his head cocked slightly to the left. Then he shrugged which I decided to take as an 'okay Hazel'. So, I summoned Arion, already prepared with gold nuggets. In the distance I saw a golden streak and as it grew closer the streak became a blob which became my magnificent, gold-eating, sailor-cussing horse.

"Hey Arion," I greeted him, offering up the gold nuggets in my hand. "Do you mind giving us a ride to Camp Half-blood, Long Island?"

He stamped his feet and shook his mane. But after some coaxing and several golden nuggets, Frank and I were on our way to Camp Half-blood.


This is kinda a short chapter, but it will give me time to create a prophecy. Wooooo. I also hope you guys like Miles (First name credits to Nyssa_Demigod). He has a pretty important role later on so, don't forget about him! Also, tell me how my romance writing was. I am sorry if it sucks and you hate it!!!

That's all, bye for now,


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