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Again, italics are flashbacks. Pay close attention because it can get a little confusing.



"I could take you guys through," Miles said, stepping out of the shadowy corner I'd been hiding him in.

I continued to trudge through the dark hallways of the labyrinth, holding Miles hand tightly like he might disappear if I let him go.

"What!? NO!" I yelled, pulling him back.

"Reyna, I'm a mortal. I can lead you guys through," he glanced at the table, "right?"

I glared harshly at Percy, warning him not to answer.

Percy gulped. "I mean, in theory," he replied hesitantly.

I unconsciously squeezed his hand tighter. Miles sent me a reassuring smile, as if to say I'm okay.

Gods, I wished I could've believed him.

"He's a mortal!" I protested. "He wouldn't last five minutes!"


"I did," Rachel countered.

"Yeah but-"

"We have no other choice. Only a mortal can guide someone through that maze," a Hecate child spoke.

"It's not your life your risking," I snapped.

"I mean, I could...actually...probably a bad idea if I did it," Daisy said.

I raised an eyebrow. In response she mimed an explosion, then brought her hands back together like a cave-in or collapse.

There was silence as we wondered through the labyrinth. Strangely silent. I'd thought there would be more dangers. So far we'd encountered a giant spider, several bottomless pits and a very, very lost postman.

Then suddenly there were noises up ahead. I pulled Miles to the side and pushed him behind me, allowing Thalia to step forward with a loaded bow.

"How's the ankle holding up?" A familiar voice echoed.

Thalia frowned and lowered her bow.

"A bit achey, but the ambrosia is working," a voice I recognised answered. "Thanks Will."

"That's what I'm for," Will answered.

Then,  out of the darkness, four dead demigods emerged.

Percy grinned. "Hey guys, we've been looking for you."

"Percy!" Thalia exclaimed. "You're alive!"

Percy hugged his friend once she'd slung her bow across her back once again. I allowed Miles to stand now that there was no apparent danger.

"How did you guys find us?" Lou-Ellen wondered.

"Can we get back on track please?" Thalia asked.

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