Error #2 {Brain Lapse}

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Hey guys.

I'm afraid there shall be no update this week because I have been trying to finish up the final chapters of my other story and I kind of just forgot I needed to write this one too.


Although, I'm still reeling from the last chapter. And I'm a little wary coming back to that so soon, you know?

Anyway, to justify this I...


...I totally forgot what I was going to put in here. X-D

I went to have dinner, finished my homework, came back and now I cannot remember what I was planning. (Plus it's currently 21:15 and I'm not in the mood to wrack my brain.)

So apologies for that as well.

Instead of whatever I was planning, I'm going to put a joke in here. :-)

Here goes..

Three guys walk into a bar...

 the fourth one ducks!

Made that one up myself by the way.

Until next time,

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