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I was worried about Jemma. She hadn't quite been the same since we got her back. And it was not just her adjusting to Earth. She was sad, mourning Will. I only wished there was something I could do to help her.

"Hey. Earth to Fitz?"

I glanced up after being snapped out of my thoughts, to see Hunter clicking his fingers in front of my face. "Y-yeah?"

"We've landed man. Come on." I looked around and realised the cargo door is open and everyone was outside.

"O-oh. Right. Sorry." I unbuckled and followed Hunter out of the plane.

"You okay Fitz?" Asked Daisy, a look of concern on her face.

"Pfft, yeah, of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" I reply, too fast to make it a compelling lie.

Everyone else had started walking down the mountain. Leaving Daisy, Hunter and I to trail behind. "Is it Simmons?" Pressed Daisy.

I didn't reply, but my silence was answer enough. Hunter tapped me on the shoulder as we walked. "She'll be okay mate," he reassured me.

I looked around us as we descended. The air was thick with mist and the ground was at a point between gravel and soil, causing me to trip up more than a few times. I took out my tablet to check if the heat signature was back. It was not.

"So, what do we do if we do find these kids?" Asked Hunter.

"No idea," I reply.

"Maybe they're inhumans. That would explain some of the weird stuff. They could be another group like the one my mom ran."

I sigh. "I hope not. That will mean a lot of indexing, and I don't think they'll like that."

"Let's just wait and see, yeah?" Hunter put his arms round mine and Daisy's shoulders as we stalked further down the mountain. At one point, we emerged from the mist and we could see the harbour. And slightly further down from us was the tunnel we could use to access the area.

As we edged closer and closer, I became less and less sure that we were doing the right thing. I kept having flashbacks to when we invaded afterlife. When everything that could've gone wrong, did go wrong. What if everything did go wrong? I glanced at Daisy who was biting her lip and looking down at the floor with guilty eyes. Although this was kind of her idea, I could tell she was having second thoughts. Remembering what had happened when she was one of the kids on the other end of this tunnel.

"Come on guys," cheered Hunter, glancing at my and Daisy's guilty faces. "We don't even know there are kids there. It's just a theory." (A Film Theory! *SorryNotSorry*)

"True," I agreed.

"Anyway, we have more pressing concerns."

Daisy and I both reply at the same time, "What?" We both look up to find that we are on a hill on one side of the freeway. The wrong side.

Everyone else had stopped just ahead of us. "Now what? I don't really want to get run over today," said Bobbie as we stopped beside her.

"No idea love," Hunter replied, surveying the road.

"If anyone has any ideas I'm all ears," announced May whilst she pulled off her pilot sunglasses.

Before anyone could even ponder an idea, we were inturrupted by Tony Stark commenting, "That's a pretty good Roman costume." I followed his gaze to a kid on the other side of the road emerging from the tunnel. They were dressed in golden Centurion armour complete with a red plume helmet and a scabbard attached to their belt. The fake armour seemed pretty realistic, but the costume was ruined by the sneaker, jeans and purple t-shirt underneath.

The kid looked up at us and holted for a moment before turning and yelling something into the tunnel. The kid had a look of fear on their face as they analysed us. I looked at the crew, nearly all of whom had some kind of gun. The kid was probably right to be afraid. They stared us down for a few moments before running back into the tunnel.

"Let's get over there," ordered May.

"Are we sure that's a good idea?" Asked Bobbie. "That kid looked terrified and we're all carrying guns."

"But if those kids are dangerous then we shouldn't go over unarmed," May countered.

"Then why don't I go?" Suggested Daisy. "I look unarmed and I can be a lot friendlier than most of you."

"Hey, hey, I'm pretty friendly," argued Hunter jokingly. Bobbie rolled her eyes and punched him in the shoulder. "Ow!"

"What do you mean by look unarmed?" Questioned Black Widow as she sent a suspicious glance toward Daisy.

Collectively, Hunter, Bobbie, Daisy and I managed to form an "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." and May remained as stoic as normal.

"Well that's not suspicious," commented Mr. Stark.

"Let's focus on getting across the freeway first," decides May, much to our relief. The Avengers gave us a weird look but remained silent for the time being.

"I suppose I could take people across one at a time in my suit," conceded Mr. Stark.

"That will freak out the kids even more," I countered.

"Kids love Iron-Man," he protested.

"These aren't normal kids," I insisted.

"Although you have a point Fitz, I don't see another way across. Daisy," May turned to her as she spoke, "you go across first, scope out the situation. Do not interact with them unless they spot you." Daisy nodded. "The rest of you," she turned to us, "we are not to engage unless we are forced to. These people are children and we are not to kill any of them under any circumstances." We all nodded.

"Alright then." Mr. Stark tapped the side of his glasses then spoke. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. call Mark 56." There was a few moments of waiting and then I saw what looked like a red and gold missile coming toward us. As it approached, it broke up into pieces that attached themselves to Mr. Stark. Then he became Iron-Man. He turned to Daisy and said, "Buckle up Earthquake Girl." He grabbed her waist and took off flying to the other side of the road. He deposited her there before flying back.

"I think you were right Ewan McGregor. Those kids are definitely afraid of Iron-Man."

Ewan McGregor? "D-did you just call me-"

"Let's wait a little then, see if Daisy can calm them down," inturrupted Bobbie. May nodded in agreement.

"Ewan McGregor?" I still questioned but was promptly ignored. "Is it 'cause I'm Scottish?"

They all ignored me and instead chose to watch the tunnel and wait for Daisy.


Ta da! ...

Yeah...it's pretty bad. Oh well. Next chapter will have action and better story in it.



P.S. I have decided to update this story on Sundays because updating two stories on one day is more problematic than I anticipated. Thanks again for your patience guys. :-)

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