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I dived out of Enceladus' column of purple flame blasted at me, managing to escape with only slightly singed shoes. Only to find myself in the deadly arc of a hammer being brought down by Mimas. In the split second before my skull was inevitably cracked open, I closed my eyes to block out the screams and grunts that would ruin my final breath. Except, it wasn't my final breath. When the hammer never came down, I opened my eyes to see Mimas being mauled by a giant ruby-red dragon with glistening scales and large scarlet wings. The dragon breathed fire into Mimas' face, causing the giant to disintegrate – not for long, but just long enough for the creature to turn and blast Enceladus with the same flame.

The dragon suddenly morphed into Frank. "You handle this guy. I've got dragon breath." And with that – not even giving me a chance to consider the irony of the line – a bear was suddenly stood in Frank's place, roaring at Athena's counterpart.

Even as I battle Mimas, fighting instinctively based on my feelings (of fear and anger and...pain), I managed to look across the battle. I noticed Leo duck between the legs of a giant shadow as Hazel cracked the ground beneath a foot to off-balance him.

Suddenly, there was a booming roll of thunder that distracted me from Clytius and Mimas. There was a screech and suddenly, a giant sword was poking through Mimas' chest. In a matter of seconds he'd disintegrated, revealing the hulking, misshapen form of Leo's dad.

A bright flash of green drew my attention to Leo and Hazel who watched in disbelief as Clytius was burned to nothingness by Hecate's torch.

A bolt of lightning that popped my ears and left my hairs standing on end swiftly destroyed the giant King; meanwhile, Hermes crumpled Hippolytus with a strong swing of his staff.

I glanced around, seeing the gods surround the handful of giants left standing.

Then there was a screech...a human one. One that caused the ichor to tear itself from the giants and leaving them as empty bags of flesh bundled on the ground – ones the gods swiftly decapitated.




By the time I'd finally regained consciousness, the giants had been vanquished, which unfortunately was a victory we had to share with the gods.

I forced Will to help me over to Percy, who was sobbing over Annabeth's body.


Who was cold.

Who was still.

Who was dead.

Percy lookedup at me through teary eyes. "Br-bring her back," he sobbed. "Please."

"I-I..." My throat contracted around my words. How could I tell him, no? How could I look him in the eye and tell him his soul mate was gone. For good.

I looked away and found myself staring into the sapphire blue of Will's eyes, which only made the guilt worse.

But Will seemed to understand. "Percy-" He began before he was cut off by a thunderous voice.

"Didn't know you had it in you Jackson," Ares bellowed, his tone teetering between amused and shocked. "But even I can admire so much destruction." The assembled demigods (and mortal) looked horrified at that statement as they glanced down at Annabeth's body.

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