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It was the last weekend before the end of Summer. Everyone seemed to have plans.

Percy and Annabeth were going to their last year of school before college. They were going to go to Goode High school so that Annabeth could stay with Percy. They needed each other to be able to sleep and Sally was thankful for a female presence in the apartment, especially with the baby on the way.

Rachel was going to an arts college somewhere in California. She made a deal with her dad, if she finished her school education with grades from b onwards, he would pay for her to go to an arts college. She was ecstatic and agreed immediately.

Frank and Hazel were staying in New Rome as the Centurion Levesque and Praetor Zhang. Hazel was considering going to a school but because she grew up in the 1940's, she decided that going to a school in the modern era would be problematic. And Frank couldn't abandon his Prator duties. Poor Reyna.

Leo and Calypso were staying at Camp Half-blood for the foreseeable future. But Leo had got a job in a nearby repair shop and Calypso got one at a garden centre. They planned on working until they had enough money to buy a repair shop of their own. "Leo and Calypso's Garage"...and some other stuff.

Nico was also staying at camp as a sword instructor but to his dismay, his boyfriend (Yes BOYFRIEND) was going to be attending Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. It was ranked #1 in Surgery Programs and Will won a full scholarship. Nico argued that Will didn't need to go to uni to be a doctor, (He was definitely the best at camp. He delivered a frickin saytr baby) but Will said he needed a P.h.d or something to be able to be a doctor in the mortal world. It will be sad not having him around but luckily he has been training some of his siblings to take his place. I hope Nico doesn't start making plants die before Will comes back at Christmas.

Reyna was obviously going to stay at Camp Jupiter, as Praetor. But we managed to persuade her to take a long break, seeing as she hadn't had one since Jason disappeared. We convinced her that Frank was more than capable of running Camp Jupiter for a month while she was gone. After a while of persuasion she relented and agreed to take a break.

Jason wasn't going to school. He decided that, to be able to maintain his pontifex duties, he needed to be able to travel between camps constantly. Sadly, it means I won't get to see him much, as I will be attending Goode with Percy and Annabeth. It was the school closest to camp, where I'd be staying. It would be nice to finally go to a normal school. I'd only ever been at private schools with uniforms and stuckup rich kids. Hopefully this was my chance to be normal, and I wasn't going to muck it up.

Boy was I wrong...

《< NOTES >》

I know that this chapter was very short 519 ( frickin words (Not including notes) ) and not much happened but I wanted to show where I think all of the characters should be going. Are there any I missed that you wanted to see?

I am actually quite enjoying this story and I hope you guys will too.


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