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When I woke up I was expecting to be surrounded by my friends in the 5th Cohort still sleeping in their bunks. Instead I woke up and hit my head on the roof of the alcove I slept in in Zeus' cabin at Camp Half-blood. With all this travelling and pleasing the gods I can never remember where I went to sleep the night before, Camp Jupiter or Camp Half-blood.

I rubbed my head and groaned before getting out and stretching. I grabbed my purple camp t-shirt (because I can, and it really annoys some of the other campers) and headded to the dining pavilion for breakfast. I was stopped on my way by my lovely girlfriend Piper, who greeted me with a good morning and a kiss on my cheek. Her hair was pulled into a loose bun with a brown feather tucked into it.

"I need to ask you something," she began.

Oh no.

The last time she needed to 'ask me something', was when she asked me to help her get her sister Lacey with one of the guys in the Ares cabin . Let's just say that it didn't end well for me, because my head may have ended up in one of the Camp toilets when I spoke to the guy about Lacey.

The fear must have been showing on my face because Piper immediately started babbling, "No no no no no no no. It's not bad, I promise. In fact it's good. You won't end up with a swirly." She stared at me with wild eyes, shaking her head, waiting for me to believe her.

"O-kay?" I said slowly and cautiously, waiting for her deadly proposal.

"Ok so," she began, "I told my dad that we're dating..."

"Wait, WHAT?" I interrupted loudly, startled.

She shushed me and continued, "He was totally cool with it, in fact he asked you to come visit with me this weekend." She paused to let the information sink in. "He's going to be hosting a party on the Sunday and inviting a bunch of his friends though. So I'm going to invite Leo because Tony Stark is going to be there and Leo's admired him for a while. However, with Leo as a distraction you can feel free to escape from my dad any time he starts pressuring you with questions." She took a deep breath and stared at me expectantly.

I thought about it. I hadn't seen her dad since we saved him from the fire breathing giant. It might be super awkward. But, as long as I'm dating Piper I'm going to need to meet her dad eventually, why not the week before the last weekend before Piper goes to school.

"Why not?" I reply with a smile.

She grinned and lightly kissed my lips. "Thanks Jace. This means so much to me."

"Anything for you Pipes."

She smiled. I smiled back, grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the pavilion. "Come on. Let's get some food."



"I feel sick," I moaned. I tried to stare out the window and focus on a large skyscraper in the distance. It helped a little but not much.

"We're almost there Leo," Piper sighed. Obviously fed up with my moaning.

"I don't see why we couldn't fly Festus. He's faster, cooler and doesn't make me car sick."

"Mr Mclean doesn't know that we're demigods Leo," Jason retorted. Of course the golden boy knows all. Why do we need an Oracle when we have him? I kept my mouth shut and continued to stare out the window to compensate for my car sickness. After about 5 hours, (or minutes. Who's to say?) I got bored. "Are we there yet?" I asked innocently.

"Urrgh!" Came the reply from the happy couple. Jason put his head in his hands and muttered something I didn't quite catch. Piper apparently did and began to laugh her head off. Jason joined in.

I rolled my eyes and went back to the window. I saw us pull up to the gates of a large house.

"Welcome to Casa McLean," I muttered under my breath.

We entered the gates and pulled along side some large double doors. The house was quite modern with straight white walls and floor to ceiling windows. The grass was green and bright. The grave driveway crunched under the tyres of the limousine Piper's dad sent to pick us up. The car stopped just in front of the doors and the driver got out. He went round to Piper's door and opened it. He waited for her and Jason to get out before closing the door and coming over to my side and opening my door. I hopped out the car and ran round to Piper and Jason.

"Nice place Beauty Queen," I remarked with a hint of my signature sarcasm.

"Thanks," she replied glumly. As much as I would've loved to have grown up in a mansion with so many rooms that I wouldn't be bored, I guess it wouldn't be that great to have a famous parent.
Jason took Piper's hand reassuringly. I grinned at her.

"Come on, let's explore." I bounded up the front steps to the door. They laughed good naturedly and followed behind. The door opened for us to reveal a large hallway with a large chandelier and a giant staircase curling round a large pillar. This large staircase, which would be great for sledding down also had a banister.

Oh yeah.

We're going to have some fun this weekend.


I hope this chapter was good. I was originally going to do one POV per chapter but it was still super short. This chapter is quite short but longer than the first one so, who cares?

I am still deciding on how the reveal is going to go, and where in the story. Any suggestions?

Anyways, need to start writing the next chapter so



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