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Hey guys, sorry about last week and sorry for the late update. I'm sick so the chapter has been coming on really slowly. It also kinda sucks but please don't hate me. I'm sorry.



In order to locate Fury we (by that I mean, I) had to trace the signal back from the call he made earlier:

"Do you know what frequency you were using when Fury called?" I asked the agents.


"Cool," I muttered approvingly as I adjusted the frequency on my tablet. I plugged the tablet into the contact panel and began tracing the call.

"Urm, Mr Stark?" The kid broke the silence.

"Yeah?" I said still staring at the tracing progress.

"The teens are on the move."

The agents and I turned to him and saw the alert on the screen he was holding. There was an image of the three teens in a cafe in downtown Manhattan, near Stark Industries headquarters.

"We'll go handle that," Clint said whilst gesturing to Peter. "You two concentrate on finding Fury.

The two exited the room (with a little protest from Peter), leaving me alone with Romanoff, who didn't seem happy about it either.

After two minutes, the tracing was done. Fury was at a motel in Queens.

"Wow," I commented, "Fury has seriously dropped his standards."

I noticed a faint smile play over Natasha's lips before disappearing. "Let's go."



"So," I began, trying to break the silence. "Who do you reckon is going to get here first?"

"Out of...?" Asked Piper.

"The trio or the Avengers."

"I bet that the Annabeth will be here first and drag the boys with her," Piper declared after a moment of thought.

"Nah, I bet it'll be the Avengers. They've been tracking us. They probably started coming when we stepped outside your front door," Leo countered.

A thought popped into my head and I smiled slyly. "Why don't we make this interesting?"

Piper raised an eyebrow and Leo copied my smile. "Continue."

"Let's make a bet. If Piper's right you'll..."

"Make me tacos to take to school every day for a month." Piper interrupted.

"Fine," said Leo, "but if I win..." He thought for a moment. "The Aphrodite cabin has to do my cabin's chores for 6 weeks."

Piper glared before finally agreeing. She then turned to the window and began muttering under her breath, "Come on Annabeth, hurry."

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