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"Jason Grace," it boomed, "son of Jupiter, ex-prator of the 12th legion and new Pontifex. How does it feel for your life to be so perfect? Friends, a love, people who follow you; how will it feel when I tear all that away from you? Or when I tear you away from them? Don't worry son of Jupiter, you'll have time to say goodbye. You're not first on my list. That honour is reserved for the two who escaped me before. I will take them first and kill their loved ones in front of them, slowly, before using them to torture each other. I will destroy the one who didn't die encased in bronze. Then I will forever torture the one who killed my beloved by killing his beloved. Tell him I await his suffering eagerly, and that his loved one should watch out for my grasp." The voice cackled.

Your final chance: leave any guesses here. Good luck! (For extra hints reread the half chapters.)



"Okay Piper. I'll get right on that," I told her as I waved my hand through the Iris-message, ending the call.

"Get right on what Leo?" A voice behind me questioned, startling me.

I screamed, jumped six feet into the air and whirled around with my hammer which I'd pulled from my toolbelt instinctively. I brought the hammer back just before it connected with my best friend's face. "Holy crap! You scared the flames out of me man! I almost gave you another scar!"

"Get right on what?" He repeated, strangely.

"You okay bro?" I questioned, noticing his out-of-character behaviour.

"Get. Right. On. What?" He repeated again through gritted teeth. He was beginning to scare me.

I held my hands up in surrender, slightly frightened by Jason's threatening tone. "Gees, calm down. Piper just wants you to rest. I told her I would make sure you slept."

"I don't need sleep," he growled.

"You sure?" I asked, definitely noticing something was wrong. 'You're acting very..."

"Very what?" He snapped.

"Very not yourself man. Take a nap, get your head back on straight." I smiled to make my command seem more friendly.

"I don't need sleep."

"Yeah...you definitely do," I told him, emphasising the yeah with extra sarcasm and casually placed myself between him and the door.

"Out of my way Leo," he snarled, glaring at me. His glare was so intimidating I almost retreated. Who ever was in front of me, they were not Jason Grace.

"Where do you think you're going? Bunks are behind you," I said with as much authority as possible. Even puffing out my chest in order to seem more intimidating.

"Get out of my way," Jason barked, eyeing me with an icy cold glare.

"Jason, calm down."

"I'm not..." He stopped himself.

"You're not what?" I questioned, beginning to put a couple of rogue pieces together.

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