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Artwork by Unknown

Also, idk why that video, but hey, wtf not?



Is it bad that I was nervous? It's not that Jason was a bad boyfriend or bad person in any way but, would my dad like him? I was biting my nails in anticipation, then clenching my fists because I shouldn't bite my nails.

We didn't end up seeing my dad until dinner which made the anxiety worse. Although Leo did do his best cracking jokes and being his strange but adorable self. I could still see a difference though. It's as if dying took a tiny piece of his soul away. He does a very good job hiding it, but I can tell that dying, plus the trials he and Calypso endured on their way back to camp, took a toll on him. I'm glad to see that he's coming back though. Hopefully one day he'll be back to his usual Latino elf self.

Dinner. We made our way to the staircase. My heart was beating in my throat. I looked to Jason and I could tell that he was just as nervous as I was. He kept scratching the back of his neck and biting his cheek. Leo evidently wasn't nervous.

"Come on Beauty Queen, Sparky. Its dinnertime," he yelled as he bounced down the hallway. He slowed down and squeezed himself between us before putting his arms over our shoulders. "Cheer up, I'm starving," he said smiling at us, "I'm sure you guys are too."

"You know what Leo, I am," came Jason's reply, the nervousness somewhat dissipated.

"Me too," I smiled. "Race you there," I cried before sliding under Leo's arm and racing down the stairs.

"Cheater!" Leo yelled after me. Hot on my tail.

"Woah, get back here you two!" Jason shouted. Before sprinting after us.

We were ten steps away from the entrance hall, neck and neck, when Leo yelped, tripped over his laces and fell into me. I squealed as I fell down. I tried to grab Jason's shirt to steady myself but I dragged him down with me. We became a blur of orange and purple as we tumbled down the last few steps. We ended up in a bundle at the bottom of the stairs laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. I suddenly felt something hard under my butt. I then looked at Jason's face and realised that something was missing.

"Oh my gods! Jason, your glasses!"

His hand flew to his face. "Oh Styx!" He uttered.

I moved my hand to the thing I was sat on which turned out to be...Jason's perfectly fine glasses.

"Oh," I declared, "they're fine."

"May be the doc guessed you'd be falling down the stairs a lot?" Leo joked while Jason took back his glasses and placed them back on his face.

"Pipes, dinner!" Came a distant call from the dining room.

"Coming Dad!" I called back before scrambling to my feet and dusting myself down.

I helped Jason up and then grabbed Leo's hand to pull him to his feet. We made our way towards the dining room for dinner.


Unless you guys are authors you won't have amy idea how hard it is to find alternate words to 'said'. Even a thesaurus only gets you so far. That's why it takes authors so long to bring out stories, not because they don't have time or are lazy, (though these are totally valid reasons) but because they have to replace every 'said' with another word. And the word has to make sense too. It's just...so...urrrrgh!

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