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No. He's dead. He...he...

"What the f*ck?!" Tony whispered in disbelief.

I agreed. What the f*ck was going on? Whilst we stood shocked, Fury's conversation continued.

AC: So how's the job going?

F: They're not going to be in the dark much longer.

AC: Well hold on. I would send my team but they're recovering from off-world stuff.

F: Well I'm pretty sure Romanoff is on to me.

AC: We'll keep contact to a minimum then. How is it being dead?

F: Not as fun as it sounds.

AC: Welcome to my world.

F: Goodbye Director Coulson.

DC: Goodbye Fury.


Director? I looked to Tony to see him marching towards the door.

"Wait! Tony!" I yelled in a hushed tone.


What? I'm going to march over there and demand answers!" He yelled back in the same hushed manner.

"Look," I said, grabbing his arm, "Fury was a spy. He's only going to lie to you."

He pondered that for a moment before sighing. "What do you suggest then?"

I made contact with his eyes and stared the plan:

"Let's find Director Coulson."



"So let's go over the plan one more time?" Everyone groaned as Annabeth and I explained the plan to Percy for the fifth time.

"I still don't get it."

"Get what Leo?" Piper asked, boredom laced into her voice and a tired look on her face.

"Why we don't just beat them up." Leo declared with no traces of sarcasm whatsoever.

"Because...ummmm" Piper hesitated. "I don't know. Why shouldn't we beat them up? They did abduct us."

"But we're heroes."

"So are they," Leo countered.

Annabeth sighed. "Look, we just need to convince them that Percy, Grover and I aren't criminals or terrorists. Then they'll leave us alone."

As much as I agreed with Annabeth's plan I wasn't sure how we were going to pull it off. Apparently Jason was having the same doubts as I was.

"How are you going to do that exactly?"

Annabeth looked like she was struggling to reply when Percy butted in to save her.
"Annabeth's the smartest person at this table. If she says this is what we need to do then we're going to do it. Because you don't bet against Annabeth." He looked at Annabeth lovingly causing her cheeks to colour in a light red. He then turned to the rest of the table, daring us to challenge him with a wolf glare.

I nodded at him. "Percy's right. Let's just do it however we can."

Piper nodded eagerly and winked at Annabeth whilst Jason and Leo shrugged before agreeing.

The bell rang over the cafe door signaling someone's entry.

"I don't think we have time for a plan anyway," Leo muttered, pointing casually at the two new entrants of the cafe.

The Avengers had arrived.



The plan was to sneak into Fury's apartment, grab his phone, hack it, then find Coulson. Simple. Right? Not quite...
I watched the door of Fury's hotel room through the camera I had placed above our door. I had been watching for at least 30 minutes until his door creaked open. Fury stepped out in his incognito sunglasses, locked the door, then left for what I assumed to be lunch.

This was our chance. We snuck out of our own room and made our way to Fury's. I bent down to the rusty lock and picked it with a bent hair pin. Once I heard the click the door swung open to reveal a similar room to ours. There were some differences, including a large stack of books along with some newspapers and magazines left in the corner.

"Why do you think Fury left his phone here?" Tony asked as we entered.

"Because Fury isn't using his personal phone to call Coulson. Most likely an old phone model that would be more difficult to track." I replied.

"I get that. But why would he leave if here?"
"So that no one could take it? I'm not entirely sure but this is a 'Fury move' trust me."

He nodded and we began searching high and low for a phone. In the mattress, the book pile, the bathroom and the air vent.

Eventually I found it lurking in the lampshade that hung from the ceiling. After a few attempts and burnt fingers, Tony and I had retrieved the phone. It was an old Noccia flip phone from the 90s.

"How did you manage to hack into this?"

Tony wriggled his eyebrows and grinned slyly. "I'm that good."

I rolled my eyes and mentally scolded myself for fuelling his already enlarged ego.

"Just get us in and get Coulson's location. He and Fury have a lot of explaining to do."


Sorry guys. This chapter sucks. Trust me I know. But the chapter went missing for three days. AGAIN! I recovered it but didn't have enough time to work on it properly and I didn't want to stall another chapter again. You guys don't deserve it. So here, one short and crappy chapter. The next one will be longer and A LOT better I promise. Thanks for being patient and as always, I hope you're enjoying the story.

Until next time,

P.S. I wrote a 500 word story for
Aim to Engage 2019 and would very much love for you to read it and let me know what you think.
Thanks again.

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