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Do you guys prefer if I use the American words like the books (eg. Mom, elevator, trunk, etc.) because it's set in the U.S.? Or would it be ok for me to use English versions? I don't mind, just be wary that I'll probably slip up now and again.



Well that went better than I thought it would go. I was really nervous about meeting Piper's dad but he is a pretty cool dude. It was really good to see that he had recovered well.

When we left the dining room after a dessert of cinnamon doughnuts with caramel sauce, Piper immediately jumped for joy.

"He loved you," she cried ecstaticly, "you are now officially approved by both my parents.
I smiled.

Wait, both parents?

"Woah, woah, woah! BOTH parents? When did Aphrodite...?" I stopped at the top of the stairs and turned to her.

She smiled sheepishly. "Well...you see...ummm...well...it's a long story...ummmmm..." she blabbed.

"Piper you're stalling," I mumbled.

She laughed awkwardly. "Right sorry." She took a deep breath. "Ok. Remember our first quest? When my mom sent me that dream and changed our clothes?"

"Yeeeesss?" I drew the word out with uncertainty of what was coming.

"Well my mom told me why I saw our mist relationship so clearly. Because her children see possibilities," she paused to let the words sink in. She then smiled, "she also told me that you were a "lovely boy".

Leo burst out laughing. Piper and I rolled our eyes.

"Oh shove off Leo. At least Aphrodite approves of me. Do Calypso's parents approve of you?"

Leo frowned, "I'm not sure who her mom is." He then grinned. "But I do know that her dad is Atlas, and he can suck it!"

With that we all burst out laughing and tumbled into the bedroom we were staying in.

Piper was sleeping in her bed and Leo and I took some air mattresses that were on the floor. We were all pretty tired from a afternoon of exploring the mansion, so when the lights clicked off it wasn't long before I fell asleep. And of course, my night was plagued by dreams.

I was stood on a large patch of grass next to a single lane of empty road. Suddenly a large black SUV, like the ones used at Camp Jupiter, sped past. I followed its path with my eyes to a modern, high tech, gate. As it approached, the gate slid open and the SUV rolled into the compound. I ran to catch up to it and got in just as the gate closed. I saw the SUV stop and a red-haired woman stepped out of the passenger side. Her bright red hair was cut into a long, wavy bob that framed her pale face. She wore ripped skinny jeans and a brown leather jacket over a plain white shirt. The woman surveyed the surroundings. After being sure there was no danger she relaxed and slammed the car door, before making her way to the modern, white, 2-storey building.

As she got to the door she turned back to the car, "Clint, you coming?" She called.
A guy then stepped out of the driver's side.

He was wearing plain blue jeans and a black leather jacket. He had close cut brown hair that was styled with gel and wore mirrored sunglasses. Clint I presumed."Yes Nat I'm coming," he called back.

The woman, Nat, turned to the large door that was opening. Behind it stood a guy in a shirt and black trousers. He had styled dark hair and he had a fake smile plastered on his face.

"Romanoff, Barton, how happy I am to see you." His voice was thick with sarcasm.

"Save it Stark, we don't want to be here either," Clint retorted.

Stark. The name rings a bell.

"I'm sorry Tony," Nat cut in, "Fury's orders."
I shivered. Fury? Hopefully not what I'm thinking of.

"You can't seriously be following orders that dictate you to kidnap three children," Tony yelled.

KIDNAP CHILDREN!? Who the Hades were these people?

Nat hung her head and took a deep breath. "Let's just get this over with," she murmured.

Tony huffed in disagreement but reluctantly stepped aside to let them through.

"We just need Jackson and Chase" she said as she passed, "we can let the others go when they give his location."

Jackson? As in, Percy Jackson? Surely not. Surely they must have been talking about one of the many other Jacksons living in the U.S.? But how many other Chases could there possibly have been? Oh Styx! I had to warn them. Or did I have to prepare? They didn't have their location so they were safe for now, but were we? I remembered the name Tony Stark as one of the party guests tomorrow night. Could Piper, Leo and I have been the children they wanted to kidnap? Not that we were children, not anymore.

The door slammed and the dream shifted. Suddenly I was bathed in darkness and a voice cut through the silence like a knife.

"Jason Grace," it boomed, "son of Jupiter, ex-prator of the 12th legion and new Pontifex. How does it feel for your life to be so perfect? Friends, a love, people who follow you; how will it feel when I tear all that away from you? Or when I tear you away from them? Don't worry son of Jupiter, you'll have time to say goodbye. You're not first on my list. That honour is reserved for the two who escaped me before. I will take them first and kill their loved ones in front of them, slowly, before using them to torture each other. I will destroy the one who didn't die encased in bronze. Then I will forever torture the one who killed my beloved by killing his beloved. Tell him I await his suffering eagerly, and that his loved one should watch out for my grasp." The voice cackled.

I woke with a start, drenched in cold sweat. I tried taking deep breaths to calm myself down but it didn't work. I thought it was over, but it's never over. It was only the interval, and we still have the second half...

We're screwed.


Duh, duh, DUH!!!

Can you guys guess who the villain is? Did I make it too obvious?

Eh, oh well. I enjoyed writing the dream part of this chapter. The beginning was just cringe.

Anyways, hope you're enjoying the story. I'll see you guys next time,



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