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Oh my gods guys. I'm releasing this chapter sooo late. I'm sooooooooooo sorry.
It's just been hectic because I went back to school last week and had a rugby tournament at the weekend.
Don't worry though, I'll get back on track.
However, I've decided to release my chapters on Saturdays (GMT) because it makes it a lot easier. Thanks for your patience.

Alright, love you and leave you. Read and enjoy. ;-D


What the heck just happened?!

Who the heck were those guys?

Where did they go what's with your sporting equipment?
Where did it come from?

Who's Polybotes?
Why is he a big deal?

Should we be worried!?




This would normally be the part where I began with the classic "What do you know about the Greek gods?" , speech. But Annabeth had lectured us all previously, we  were not to reveal that we are children of the Greek and Roman gods who exist and live on an invisible floor of the Empire State Building. So I did what any normal person would do in this situation, pass it on.


She rolled her eyes. Classic Wise Girl. She scrunched her eyebrows together, the way she always did, when she was coming up with a plan. Like she always did.
She casually swept her napkin off the table. She made an 'oops' expression like she was acting like a dumb blonde, which she definitely isn't, so I assumed she had a plan. It took a while but she retrieved the napkin and put it back on the table. She finally turned to Peter and smiled awkwardly.

"We are just some kids that go to a summer camp. Polyphemus is a guy who owned the land where our camp is built. He lost his money gambling or something and has since been trying to get the land back using his gang and some rather violent methods."

"You do believe us, don't you?" Piper quickly added, when she saw they looked sceptical.

"I guess..." Barton answered slowly, under the influence of the charmspeak. I shook my head and stopped myself from following suit.

"No!" Peter yelled. He slapped himself a couple of times, like he was trying to get something out of his head. "I don't believe you. Any sane person would've quit this camp by now!"

"Good thing I'm insane," Leo replied, not missing a beat, and flashing him a crazy grin. He then quietly slipped his phone back onto the table. I didn't notice he was using it.

At this point, Barton was shaking off the effects of Piper's charmspeak. "Tell us the truth or we'll bring you in."

Annabeth looked up from her phone with a lazy expression. And no, I didn't notice her pick hers up either. Her expression hardened and her stormy eyes fixed their glare upon the two avengers. "Look, I didn't want to do this, but I will."

At this point, I had no idea what she was on about, (like a lot of the time), but I knew she had a plan. Annabeth always had a plan.

"If you don't drop the charges and let us go, I will push this button and release every single secret S.H.I.E.L.D. has left. Like how Nick Fury is alive and the identity of the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D." There was a stunned silence. "What?" Barton said after a long while, "You're lying."
"You really want to gamble on this?" "S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't have a new director. It's gone. The only people Fury would trust to take over are dead and Hill works for Stark. So I'm calling your bluff."

Another tense silence. I could almost hear hearts pounding, and Barton and Annabeth mentally clashing. It was like I was trapped in a western movie, waiting to see who would bring their gun out first and pull the trigger.

Turns out, it was my phone. (Yes I have a phone. All the seven got one because Leo was apologising for faking his death.) It inturrupted the Mexican stand off  with it's musical ringtone of 'Under the Sea' (Leo set it and I can't change it).

I smiled apologetically and grabbed it out of my pocket. I stepped away from the table and glanced at the caller ID. It was Hazel.

"Hey Hazel, you kind of rung at a bad time."

"Do---'t matter. We ---- a prob--m -t Camp Jupiter."

It was hard to tell because of the bad line but she sounded worried. "Hazel you're breaking up. What is it?"

"--ere are --------- e----where. Gi--t ones. They're ---e. Bigger th-n Fran-. Th---'s ----, it's dest---ing -ew Rome.  We could r--lly use a w----------d friend and s--- backup right ----t now."

I tried to piece together what I could from what I heard her say: Somethings are everywhere. Giant ones. Bigger than Frank. Somethings destroying new Rome. We could really use a something friend and backup right now.

"There are what? What's destroying New Rome?!" I asked, my voice growing in volume and drawing attention from the table.

"Ba-------! ----! We need help!"

"Hazel I don't understand." Leo was on his feet at the mention of Hazel and listened intently to the phone which I had put on speaker.

"Fi--! ------sks!"

I signalled to the table who immediately rose and we left the trashed café. I mentally signalled blackjack and some other pegasi to come grab us. "I'm on my way. Hang tight. What's attacking New Rome?"

"Ba-------! Fra..." Then there was a scream and the phone sounded like it was dropped onto the ground.

"Hazel?! HAZEL!" I yelled, but the line went dead as the phone made a sinister beep.

I was filled with dread. Hazel was like a little sister to me and Frank like an awkward younger brother. They were the only people there for me when I had amnesia. My heart felt like it was cracking at the thought of something bad happening to them and all of the demigods and legacies residing at Camp Jupiter and New Rome. I felt like my heart was beating in my throat and my brain was sinking down to my stomach.

"WHERE'S BLACKJACK?!" I screamed, scanning the sky for my loyal winged horse and his pals. Annabeth placed a hand firmly on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes.

"We'll get to them Percy. You just need to calm down and keep a level head. You're not going to do anyone any good if you're an emotional mess."

Her calm demeanour and words washed over me. I took a deep breath and nodded. We waited a couple of minutes before Blackjack showed up with six other pegasi of assorted browns and golds.

We got here as soon as we could boss.

"I know. Thanks Blackjack."

You know you can count on me boss. Are the mortals coming too?

"Good point." I turned to the gang. "Are they coming?" I asked, pointing towards the Avengers.

"No." "Yes." Cue the second stare off of the day.

"Urrgh. We don't have time for this. The camp is in danger and people could be hurt. If you come, you might die. But you might save lives. We're leaving now. If you want to follow, grab a pegasus. If not. Get out of our way," I growled.

They hesitantly saddled onto a pegasus. Annabeth didn't seem sure but nevertheless she took my hand and climbed onto Blackjack. Then we were gone.


Again, so sorry for the wait.
Hope it was worth it. Next chapter should be on Saturday.

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