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A huge thanks to Nielshel and Vaher953 for voting on the last chapter. Appreciate the support.

Early update this week because I can.



"What's up Wise Girl?"

"I'm not sure. Something just feels kinda off."

I stared off into the distance watching the sun begin to set over the sea, dimming the bright canvas that was the sky. The vast display of warm colours, rosy reds, golden yellows, fiery oranges, vibrant violets and pale pinks, were spread like watercolours across the clear azure sky. A watery twin was reflected below in a calm sea causing it to sparkle with colour and making it seem as though the half sun was shaking as it settled down to rest.

Percy rubbed my arm reassuringly, following my gaze to the beautiful artwork reflected in the sea. "I'm sure it's nothing. Maybe Connor another prank in store."

"Doubt it," I said, "Connor hasn't been pulling off as many pranks since Travis went off to college."

"True," Percy agreed. "What's he studying again?"

I thought for a moment. "I think he was going to study psychology and chemistry."


"He wanted to be a criminal investigator remember?" He looked at me confused. "Human lie detector."

"Is that meant to be ironic?"

I laughed and Percy joined in.

Our laughter was interrupted by a loud yell from behind us. "Annabeth, Percy!" We turned to see a worried Piper on the other side of the Iris-message.

"Piper? Is everything ok?"

"Um, no! We just..."

"WE JUST GOT KIDNAPPED!" Leo yelled, making his way into view next to Piper.

"Wait, WHAT!?" I cried, startled.

"By the frickin' Avengers," Jason's voice commented from off view.

"Who?" Percy asked.

I turned to him. "They're Earth's mightiest  heroes," I reminded him, using finger quotes around "mightiest" .

He thought for a moment before he mouthed 'ohh' as he remembered them. Then he frowned. "Then what are we?"

"A secret."

"Eh." He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to Piper and Leo. "What exactly happened?" I questioned.

"Well, it started with Jason's dream..."

They relayed their story to Percy and I while we listened wide-eyed and cautious. "What did we do to deserve this?" I thought. I looked to Percy who was obviously thinking the same thing.

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