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"Hazel, let's go," I heard Percy say as he shook my shoulder gently.

"Yep, I'm up," I replied drowsily, rubbing sleep out if my eyes.

"Rain's mostly let up, we should get going," announced Will.

I nodded and the four of us saddled our pegasi and flew out of the cave toward Camp Jupiter and all that awaited us there.

Soon enough, we were landing on the hill that overlooked the entrance to Camp Jupiter. Piper laughed at Percy's recollection of his first, arrival Camp.

"God of insane sled tricks? Really?" She giggled.

"I didn't have any memories Piper," Percy retorted.

"Focus guys!" I ordered. She and Percy shut their mouths and focused back on the tunnel.

"There's a couple of cyclops stood at the entrance," said Will, handing the binoculars to Percy.

"Note that down Piper," Percy ordered.

She added the guards to the list of defences which consisted of:

Assorted sea monsters with bad language
• Evil harpies and gryphons flying around
• Centaurs with weird horns and mean bows
• Several platoons of cyclops, hellhounds, telkhines and dog people lead by vampire cheerleaders

"Is that everything?" She asked, showing me the list.

"Don't forget the Giants," I reminded her, not bothering to look at the illegible Greek lettering.

"Oh, yeah," she mumbled as she scribbled down at least 4 unkillable giants. "Those guys."

"How are we supposed to fight them. The gods have abandoned us!" Percy snapped, angrily shoving the binoculars back into Will's hands.

He sighed. "I don't know. My dad is ignoring me too."

"Let's just focus on the Big Guy," Piper suggested.

"We should head back. We've only got a few hours before the guys will assume we're dead."

Piper and I nodded, standing up and heading over to the pegasi.

"No," Said Percy, remaining where he was.

"Come on Percy," Piper encouraged. "You heard Malcom."

"But you saw everything in that camp!" He countered.

"All the more reason to get this info back to Camp," Will insisted.

"But what if we could just land a blow. Something that'll cripple his army."

I raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

Percy but his lip as he turned to face us. "Kidnap Jason."



"What!? You can't be serious!" I yelled.

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