Chapter 4

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Delaney Sugg

"Now lets talk about our group, shall we Ms Popular?" I cringed as Randy said that.

"Fine. Why do you want me in this group?" I asked.

"Your a perfect fit." He said taking his sunglasses off and playing around with them.

"How? All of you have tattoos and seem all tough. I don't look like that at all." 

"No, but you can. Or you can just stay how you are. We'll all allow you to act like yourself." I sighed. I did want to make more friends and maybe this is the place to do that? 

"Fine. I'll join." I suprised myself when I said that.

"Yes! Ok. First step to being in our group is to be trouble."

"Woah Woah Woah....You said I could be myself."

"You can but lets just try something out to see if you like it. And plus, this is nothing." Randy stood up and so did I.

"What do we do?"

"The teacher is asleep in his chair. We can sneak out of here and to my car and we can drive off."

"Drive where?"

"The diner. We always meet there."

"Ok. I guess. But my car is in the parking lot still."

"Its alright. I'll drop you off afterwards."

"Ok." I can't believe Im actually agreeing to this! This is crazy! 

We snuck past the teacher and out the door and walked down the hall. Randy led the way and stopped at a black 2014 mustang. He opened his door and hopped in as I did the same. The interior of the car was gray leather. It was very nice minus the smell of smoke. 

"This is a very nice car." I said in awe.

" parents get good money." He replied.

"What do they do?"

"My dad owns a large magazine company and my mom is a surgeon." I nodded my head and Randy rolled down the windows a little bit. 

"Want one?" Randy said taking in between his teeth.

"No." I said sternly.

"Come on. Another step to being part of the group. I know you want to Ms. Popular." He insisted. In a way I kind of wanted to just to shut him up. But I also didn't want smoking to be a habit.

"I don't even know how to smoke." I replied dumbly. Randy turned a corner and chuckled.

"You breath. Thats all there is to it." He simply stated. I sighed and thought for a few moments. I could just smoke to get him to stop....

"Fine." I said quickly taking the cigerette. Randy pulled into a empty parking lot with no diner in sight. Where were we.

"Don't worry. Just so I can teach you to smoke." Randy chuckled.

"Ok." I was actually nervous. 

"Ok. Take the cigerette between your lips." Randy started. I did just that. "I'll light it for you this time. Now just wait." I waited as Randy took out a black lighter and flicked it open. Fire came out. He pointed it on the end of the cigerette and I could tast the smoke in my mouth. "Ok. Breath in." Randy instructed. I did that and a bunch of smoke poured into my mouth. I coughed at first then stopped. "Good. Now you can take it out to breath the smoke out." I took it between my fingers and blew the smoke out. "Perfect." I was getting the hang of this. I put the cigerette back in my mouth and breathed in and taking in the taste of the tabacco. Am I seriously enjoying this? I countinued smoking more and more.

We arrived at a small diner. There were a few cars in the parking lot. Randy and I walked out and to the ash tray on top of the garbage. We both smoked a few minutes longer before putting out the cigerette and walking into the diner. In the back there was a table with people sitting there that I reecognized from school. Most of them had dark hair and tattoos. Also, lots of piercings. 

"Hey guys. Thought I'd stop by and let you know that we now have a new member of the group." Randy stated and that earned a 'nice' all around. I saw Stephanie sit up straighter and her eyes lit up. 

"Im just going to go let my parents know Im out ." I walked out of the diner and leaned against the brick wall calling my mom. 

"Hey Delaney. Are you coming home?" Mom asked.

"Im actually out with some friends." I reply.

"Well, be home by 10." 

"And what if Im out later?"

"Delaney. Just be home at 10." She hung up and I sighed. I turned to walk in when Stephanie was standing infront of me.

"I see you joined the group." Stephanie said.

"I did. And don't get any thoughts about meeting my siblings." I replied.

"Why don't you want me to meet them?"

"Because I talked to them and they said they dont want fans to find out where they live."

"You know everyone in the group hosts a party every week. Your turn will come."

"Yeah? Who said I have to host it at my house?" Stephanie went silent and looked at her feet.

"C'mon Delaney! You have a perfect life. Rich parents and two famous siblings. None of us have that."

"My life is far from perfect. Do you know what its like when people want to be your friend but you figure out their using you? Its a terrible feeling. They only real friend I have had is Mariah who I've known since I was 5. I can't trust anyone else." I searched Stephanie's face. She was just staring at me. " I also have parents who think I do nothing. They have two super succesful children and then theres me. The youngest. They child that does nothing but goes to school and babysits. My parents really dont think I'll ever be succesful." This was it. This was the my breakdown I needed. I leaned against the wall and sat down. Stephanie sat next to me.

"Im sorry." Was all she said. I just shook my head. 

"I need to go home. Can you go get your brother?" I said. I wipped a few of my tears away.

"Yeah." Stephanie walked in and I waited for Randy to come and drive me to get my car.



I did end up changing the story to be called Ms. Popular because I figured I was writing more about her and school other than Zoe and Joe. So yeah....I hope your enjoying.



~Stay classy and watch Youtube!~

Ms. Popular (Joe Sugg/ Zoe Sugg)Where stories live. Discover now