Chapter 16

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Randy Smith

I woke up and saw Delaney laying next to me. I smiled to myself. I carefully sat up making sure not to hurt her leg. I stretched out and picked up our pizza plates from last night and threw it away. I heard Delaney stir in her sleep. I looked over and saw her sitting up slowly. She stretched but winced in pain.

"Do you need pain medicine?" I asked her. She sucked in a sharp breathe and nodded. I quickly opened one of my drawers and took out a bottle of Advil. I grabbed two pills and handed them to her. Then I grabbed Delaney's cup from last night and filled it with water from the bathroom sink. Delaney took the pills and I sat next to her. I looked at her. She was wearing one of my tee shirts which was like a dress on her. Her wavy blonde hair fell over her shoulders and face. She looked beautiful.

"What?" Delaney asked catching me staring.

"Your just beautiful." I smiled.

"Your so cheesy." Delaney laughed. I laughed too. "I need to take a shower. Do you have a few plastic bags so I can cover my cast?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'll be back." I left my room to get the bags and some tape. I helped her tape them onto the cast. Then she hobbled over to the bathroom and started the shower as I waited on my bed. I grabbed the now two pictures in my pillow case. One of Haley leaning against a tree. Her brown hair was passed her shoulder. She had on a plaid shirt and jeans. She was smiling brightly smiling. I smiled at the picture then looked at my other picture. It was of a Stephanie. She was in her Cheerleading uniform posing. Her blonde hair in a high pony tail. Her smile that showed no teeth yet her dimples showed perfectly. I smiled at that picture. She was the one who got me dating Delaney.

"To think this all started to get Steph to meet Joe and Zoe." I mumbled to myself smiling. I heard a small whimper come from the bathroom door. Delaney was standing their. She was crying. She was on her crutches fully clothed.

"Delaney, it's not like that." I tried. Delaney shook her head and tried going down the stairs by herself and unfortunately I didn't have the chance to help her. I heard her calling Joe and she went outside. I brushed my fingers through my hair. I looked out the window to see Delaney at the end of the driveway. It was soon that I saw Joe pull up and help her into the car. I really screwed that up.

Delaney Sugg

I can't believe it. Joe just admitted behind my back that he only started dating me because of Stephanie. He used me just like everyone else. And it's not only his fault for upsetting me. If Joe and Zoe weren't these famous video people then I wouldn't be in this situation. But if they weren't video stars then I never would've gone out with Randy. I don't know who to be mad at.

We got home and Joe helped me to my room. I sat there and didn't know who to talk to. Zoe and Joe were both gone now and recording videos for their channels. My dad was at work and my mom was out with friends. I was alone. I couldn't even call Mariah because I'm still mad at her. Speaking of the devil. My phone went off and Mariah was calling. I debated weather I should answer or not. I decided to answer.

"Hey. I know we aren't exactly on speaking terms but I heard about what happened and I wanted to make sure your ok." Mariah said. I was pretty emotional right now so I just started crying.

"I'm not ok. I need someone to talk to. Please. Come over." I cried into the phone.

"I'll be right over." Mariah hung up and was left in my room crying.

I heard my front door open and someone walk up the stairs. I saw Mariah come in.

"I'm glad you let me come over." Mariah smiled sadly.

"I need someone right now." I sighed.

"What about Randy?"

"It turns out are relationship only started because his sister wanted to meet Joe And Zoe."

"Ugh...stupid Stephanie. Now that you said that, she hasn't been at school. I heard a few rumors about her quitting school but what really happened."

"You haven't heard?"

"No? What?"

"Randy hasn't been going to school either...."

"Oh yeah! That's weird. Did they both quit?"

"No.....Stephanie was in an accident and passed away." Mariah immediately covered her mouth.

"Oh my gosh!"

"Don't you dare write about that in the paper."

"I won't make that mistake again. I don't want to loose my friend again."

"Just because your here doesn't mean we are all of a sudden friends again. I only asked you to come over because I needed someone to talk to."

"Well then. I guess I'll just leave." I didn't stop her. I let her leave. Maybe quiet was all I needed. I kept waiting for a call for Randy. I thought maybe he would apologize like he did earlier but by the time I was going to bed he never called.

I woke up the next morning and got ready for school. My stupid crutches were still really annoying. I called for Zoe to come help me walk down the stairs and have her drive me to school. She drove me but that was a mistake. People recognized Zoe and came over to the car. I sighed and opened the car door.

"I can help you into the school, Delaney." Zoe offers.

"Nah. It's fine." I shut the door and..... Crutched? My way into the building. As I was going down the hall I noticed Randy. I was watching him when I tripped over something but a pair of arms caught me.

"Thanks." I said. I looked up to see a tall guy with black hair staring down at me. He had the greenest eyes I've ever seen and he was very fit.

"No problem. Need me to help you to class?" He asked.

"Ye---" I started to reply.

"Get your hands off my girlfriend man." I heard Randy yell.

"Wow. Sorry dude. I was just trying to friendly." The guy smirked.

"Well don't be. I can help her myself."

"Well, I didn't see you come and save her." All of a sudden Randy attacked this guy. They were on the ground hitting and punching each other. The principal saw what was going on and tried to split them up. But while he was doing that, Randy went to go punch the guy on the ground and brought his hand up only to hit the principal in the face. My eyes got wide as I watched the principal fall to the floor holding his nose. Randy stopped and looked at the principal. The principal looked at Randy square in the face.

"My office. Now." The principal muttered. Randy stood up and had his head down. He looked up at me but I looked away. Randy walked to the office as I sat there still in shock.


What do you guys think about Randy?

Is he acting nice or unfair?

Zayn quit One Direction... 😫😫😫

~Stay classy and watch YouTube!~

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