Chapter 10

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Delaney Sugg

After the whole incident with me, Randy and Stephanie I headed back to my house. My parents were sitting on the couch with Joe and Zoe and they were watching Joe's new video on the TV. They were on Netflix which is connected to our wii.

"Hey! Delaney. Come watch Joe's new video." My mom smiled.

"Nah....Im not really in the mood. I think Im going to get ready for bed. I have school tomorrow." I replied and I went to my room and got into my pajamas. I decided on calling Mariah and just talking before going to bed. Mariah of course answered after the third ring.

"Hey! Whats up?" Mariah said.

"Um.....I just got home from Randy's." I never really told her about how we were dating yet.

"Working on the project I assume?" She asked.

"No....We are sort of dating."

"What!? D! Why in the world didn't you tell me?"

"We just started dating yesterday."

" is he?"

"Hes fine. He's actually a lot nicer and kinder when you get to know him."

"Are you ok? It sounds like you've been crying lately."

"Yeah....I have. At Randy's, I went to drop his phone off and I found him in his room crying and holding a picture. He had a twin sister Mariah. She died in a car accident about 3 years ago and Randy has been blamming it on himself all these years. He doesn't have a very good life."

"Wow. This Mr. Popular-tough guy is really not? This is perfect!" Mariah started laughing.

"Mariah. This is not something to laugh about."

"Sure it is! He has this-this label on him. He's suppose to be the cool kid but really he's just a normal kid with a terrible home life." She was really starting to make me mad. "This is going to be a great news artical for the school paper."

"Don't you dare Mariah. Don't even think about it!"

"Why not? I haven't had a good artical in a few weeks. This one is going to be the best."

"Mariah! Please! He has only told me about this and if anyone else finds could ruin our relationship."

"I can find a way to make the story but not include his name and everything."

"No. Please Mariah. Your my best friend."

"I have to go. See you tomorrow." And just like that she hung up. I sighed and tossed my phone on my bed. I debated weather or not to tell Randy that I told Mariah but I didn't think it was the right time so instead I turned my lights off and went to sleep.

The next morning I got up and got dressed and ready for school. I was downstairs eating my breakfast when the front door opened. I looked over to see Randy come in.

"Sorry. I wasn't sure if you were awake yet." Randy shrugged.

"Its fine. Come in. Did you have breakfast?" I replied swallowing my cereal.

"Yeah. I did. I thought I would drive you today."

"Oh! Ok. I just have to brush my teeth and we can go." I ran up the steps and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my backpack and flung it over my shoulder. I got my shoes and Randy and I went to his car, which I was still amazed with.

"I had an idea." Randy started.

"Which is..?" I ask confused.

"Have you ever....skipped school?"


"Want to try?"

"How in the world will we do that?"

"I can call me and you in sick. Its easy. I've never done it but today I need a day off."

"Randy, you can't just choose when you need days off."

"I know. But lets just do it."

"Fine." I sigh. I could see Randy smile a little and he took out his phone calling the school.

"Hello. This is Tony Smith. Im calling in Randy Smith a senior in sick today. He came down with the flu. Thanks." And like that Randy hung up. But he started dialing again. "Hello. My name is George Sugg. Im calling to inform you that my daughter Delaney Sugg a senior is not feeling well. Thank you."

"Why was my dad so much more formal?" I ask laughing a little.

"Because he seems like a more formal guy. My parents are the total opposite." Randy said shaking his head.

"What do you mean?"

"I lied to you Delaney. My dad doesn't own a magazine company and my mom isn't a sergeon. My grandparents have all the money. Thats why we have a big house and I have an amazing car. My parents are always gone because their the party type. They stay over night at random places and leave me with Stephanie. My mom had me and Haley right when she started her Senior year. She met my dad over the summer at a party and sure enough about the fourth month of school.....December.....she had me. She dropped out of highschool. So did my dad. They had Stephanie that next year."

"Thats terrible."

"It is but I mean I've lived with it for 18 years."

"Yeah..its still bad."

"I know. Here, we are almost at our destination." I hadn't even known where we were. It looked like we were on some mountain or something. It was beautiful. I could see everything.

"This is beautiful Randy." I gush.

"We aren't to the top yet." Randy smirked. When we eventually got to the top it was beautiful. We got out of the car and sat in the grass top of the hill. I looked out over the city.

"Wow." I gasp.

"I know...I come up here a lot to think. When I have moments like last night then I usually come up here and sit here. And thats it." Randy's phone dinged as did mine. It was the stupid school update thing. It always updates you when a new artical comes up in the newspaper or whatever. Then I remembered I what I told Mariah last night and how she said it was going to be a perfect idea for the school paper. I quickly opened it up to see the artical title.

By: Mariah Sanchéz




Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Im like really into the show One Tree Hill....I started watching it on Netflix and its an emotional rollarcoaster! Hahaha! I RECOMENED ITTTTT!! :)

~Stay classy and watch Youtube!~

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