Chapter 25

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Delaney Sugg

I woke up the next morning and glanced over at my closet door seeing my cheerleading uniform. I groaned but remembered that I was doing this for Randy. I got a text from Hannah saying to be at the gym at noon. I looked at my clock to see in was 9 AM. I had enough time to see Randy then come home and change. 

I arrived at the hospital and walked to Randy's room. I entered quietly because I saw Randy in a black sweatshirt and gray sweatpants on the ground painting the wall. I walked into the room and sat on the bed. 

"Hey." I whispered and started laughing. Randy jumped and looked at me smiling a little. 

"Hey. Thought I would get some use out of your paints here." Randy said nodding toward the cans of paint. 

"Im glad your doing that. What are you painting?" I sat next to him to see he was painting what looked like a sunset and two people holding hands. 

"Its suppose to be me and you I guess." Randy shrugged.

"I dont know you were a sappy tough guy!" I joked. 

"Shut up. I missed you." 

"I was only gone over night."

"I know but I feel like I should be with you since we live together now." 

"Don't worry about it." Then the cheerleading came to mind. "I've actually got to tell you something." 

"Whats that?" Randy replied. 

"I sort of talked to Coach Thompson last night and sort of agreed to help the cheerleaders out." Randy looked down and upset. "Its only temperary. Dont worry." I said rubbing his back.

"Im not worried about that.....Im worried about not getting to see you in the uniform! Hahaha! I got you!" Randy started laughing leaving me shocked.

"Randy! I seriously thought you were mad at me!" I playfully hit his shoulder.

"Well, Im not. I thought you were done with the whole cheerleading thing?"

"Same with me. But then I showed the head cheerleader Hannah some moves and she was impressed so now Im a flyer!"

"When do you compete?"

"At noon Im cheering for the football game but this weekened I have a real competition where I do solo stuff."

"Do you think I can watch today and over the weekened. I really want to see you do this. Otherwise, I feel like Im missing out on part of our relationship. I mean, Its going to be a good thing to get out of here." 

"I guess. Should I go ask someone?"

"No....I have a new feature here on my bed side table." Randy grabbed a little black remote that had a red button on it. He pressed the button and it started blinking. A few minutes later a nurse and a doctor came in.

"Did you need something Randy?" The doctor asked. 

"Yes. Today and over the weekened can I go watch my girlfriends cheerleading competition?" Randy asked. 

"I guess so. Its good for you to go out. What time today?" 


"Sure. But you have to come back afterwards. What time this weekened?" Randy looked at me.

"Ummm....Im not sure yet. I'll ask today." I smiled. 

"Ok....your good to go Randy." Randy smiled. The doctor left the room and Randy grabbed his phone and put on his sunglasses. 

"Lets go! I can't wait to get out of this place!" Randy cheered and ran out the doors. I laughed and ran after him to my car. We got in and drove back to our house. Randy seemed so happy to be out of the hospital. 

We were sitting out on the porch and drinking lemonade. I looked at my phone and it was 11:30. I had to get ready! 

"Randy, I have to get into my uniform. I'll be back." I ran inside and went to my room. I grabbed the dress and put it on. I put some short white socks and my white shoes. I combed my long hair and put it in a high ponytail and put the big bow in. I took my silver glitter eyeshadow and eyeliner and put it on then put on the red lipstick and blush. Then I was done. I sighed and went down stairs. Randy was still on the porch. 

"How do I look?" I asked spinning around. 

"You look good." Randy said smiling

"Thanks. Now we have to go!" I pulled him up and we drove to the highschool. I saw some cheerleaders on the football feild already. I walked hand in hand with Randy to the feild. I was wearing my dark aviators and Randy with his normal aviators. 

"Hey Hannah." I said as I got closer. 

"Hey Delaney and Randy?" She said surprised.

"Hey." Randy nodded. 

"Is this your boyfriend?" Hannah asked looking at me.

"It is. Do you mind if he watches us practice before the game?"

"Sure! Go ahead just sit on the bleachers we're just going to practice some flips and stuff." Randy gave me a hug and walked over to the bleachers. We started doing flips and cheers and soon enough the actual game was here. We stood on the sidelines trying to get the crowd pumped up. Then halftime came and it was our big moment. We all got into position and did our cheers and flips. And my flyer moment came. I place my hands on the shoulders and jumped. They caught my feet and I posed. Then they threw me up and I twisted landing in the arms of the other cheerleaders. They set me down and everyone clapped. 

After the game I met up with Randy again. 

"You were amazing." Randy complimented me. 

"Thank you." I smiled. "It was fun."

"Are you glad you agreed to do this?" I looked up at Randy realizing I never told him why I was doing this.

"um....Yeah....I am." 

"Good. Now I have to go back to that stupid hospital."

"You'll get better soon. I have a feeling." 

"Thanks. But it feels like I never will."

"You wll. I promise."



Did you like that chapter????

Do any of you do cheer or Gymnastics? If you do/ many years?

Do any of you do any other sports?

I do traveling softball and I play a little bit of volleyball.


~Stay classy and watch Youtube!~

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