Chapter 8

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Delaney Sugg

I woke up the next morning in my bed. The last thing I remember was falling asleep in Randy's car. Randy. Randy, my boyfriend. That's so weird. I sat up stretching and grabbed my phone. I had a text message from Randy.

Morning babe.

That's so sweet. If he tries he can actually be really sweet.

Morning :)

I got up and went to put my hair into a ponytail before going down stairs. I looked in the mirror and that's when I remembered I had dyed my hair red and black. My parents aren't going to be happy thats for sure. 

I walked down the stairs and saw my parents at the kitchen table and Zoe and Joe were on their laptops in the family room.

"Morning." I said softly.

"Delaney we need to talk." My mom said sternly. 

"I know." I replied loking at the ground.

"Zoe, Joe. Can you both go upstairs?" Dad asked nicely.

"Sure thing." Joe said heading upstairs with Zoe. I sat in a chair across from my parents. There was a long awkward silence and I just sat there looking at the table.

"Delaney, what has gotten into you?" My dad said shaking his head.

"I don't know." I say quietly.

"You can't go off and dye your hair a crazy color." My mom stated.

"I wanted to do something. Maybe to prove something to you." I reply.

"Whats there to prove?" Mom said furrowing her eyebrows together.

"That I can do things myself. Like an adult."

"Delaney. You are 17. Not 18. You are still a child."

"Im turning 18 in a week mom."

"I know. But honey. This is not the way to act."

"Also, last night some boy was carrying you into the house last night." My dad started.

"Yeah...." I awkwardly trailed off.

"He was very kind but I have no clue who that is." My mom sighed.

"His name is Randy. He was my partner for school and we hung out for a little while and Im dating him." I slowly say. My dad tensed up. "I can call him and ask him to come over. For lunch maybe?" I quickly add.

"Hum.....fine. But you aren't going out tonight. There is school tomorrow so you need to go to bed early." My mom said. I decided to keep my mouth shut and agreed. I went to my room to call Randy. He picked up after two rings.

"Morning Ms. Popular." Randy said. I could almost here the smirk in his voice.

" Im on my parents bad side right now so can you do me a favor?" I ask.

"Sure. What would that be?" He replied.

"Can you come over for lunch? My parents want to properly meet the guy who carried me into my house and just found out is dating their daughter."

"Sure. What time?" Randy chuckled. 


"Sure thing. See you soon." He hung up and I sat on my bed. My door opened and Joe walked in. He shut the door behind him and sat on my chair in the corner of my room.

" have a boyfriend?" I asked knowing I was still mad at him for no particular reason.

"Yeah..." I said. 

"Well, thats good."


"Listen Delaney. Im sorry if your mad at me because you think Zoe and I get off the hook for most things."

"Im overreacting. I shouldn't be mad but I just feel like Im not doing anything with my life. I feel like Im just here. Babysitting once in a while."

"Start a Youtube Channel? I could help. So could Zoe."

"It would be to weird. Im not like you. I would feel weird talking to a camera. Im more confindent when I talk to people in person."

"Oh c'mon Delaney. At least think about it." 

"Maybe I will."

"Also....what did you do to your hair?" 

"I dyed it. Im kind of regretting it."

"Dye it back. Your blonde hair was the best on you."

"Thanks Joe."

"No problem."

"Im going to get dressed so please leave." I smile.

"Will do." Joe left and I got dressed quick. I decided on my black leggings, brown combat boots, white lace top and a blue jean jacket. I tossed my now black and red hair into a tight ballerina bun on top of my head and but on a blue bandanna headband. I did my makeup and walked down stairs just as the doorbell rang. I walked over to see Randy.

"Hey Randy." I smile.

"You look nice." Randy smiled back.

"You do too." I reply letting him come in. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a black dress shirt. And his hair was styled into a quiff and of course his dark aviator sunglasses.

"Thank you." Randy took of his sunglasses and we walked into the kitchen.

"Mom, dad. This is Randy, my boyfriend." I said nervously.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Sugg. Its nice to properly meet you." Randy said formally. 

"Oh. You can call me Eva and my husband George." My mom replied.

"Well, hello Eva and George." My dad shook Randy's hand firmly. I gave my dad a look and my dads face softened a little.

"Nice to meet you Randy." My dad said. Randy nodded politely. Then Joe and Zoe came down the stairs.

"You must be Randy." Joe greeted.

"That would be me." Randy said.

"Im Joe. Delaney's older brother." 

"Nice to meet you." 

"And Im Zoe. Delaney and Joe's oldest sister." Zoe smiled sweetly.

"Nice to meet you as well." Randy smiled back. 

"Well kids. Lets have some lunch." My mom clapped. We sat down and my mom served us sandwhiches and chips. 

After lunch I asked Randy if he wanted to come with so I could redye my hair. He agreed and my parents allowed me too. We got to the salon and I asked if I could dye my hair back to my natural color of blonde. Then I had a shocking thought of why Randy may be dating me. 




Hope your enjoying!! Thanks for all the reads!!! :) :) :) 

Also thanks for 1.25k reads on my other Joe Sugg Fanfic My Thatcher

Also follow me on Twitter @iloveasugg and on instagram @1D_birthdays2468





~Stay classy and watch Youtube!~

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