Chapter 22

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Delaney Sugg

In the morning I got dressed and grabbed my bag of paints. I hurried over to the hospital and went back to Randy's room.

"Hey." I said quietly. Randy was sitting up. He didn't have the IVs in his arms anymore.

"Hey." Randy smiled slightly.

"I brought some stuff."

"What would that be?"

"Paint!" I cheered.

"Ok then." Randy chuckled at my excitment. Randy got out of bed. He was wearing black sweatpants and a gray sweatshirt. It was weird to see him out of his normal attire.

"Ok. So I brought a bunch of fingerpants and spray paints." I said taking out the cans and putting them on the bed. I grabbed the yellow can of spray paint first and painted a yellow circle by the TV. I grabbed the black fingerpaint and painted the eyes and mouth of a smiley face.

"Thats beautiful Delaney." Randy chuckled sitting on the bed.

"No. Stand up. You have to paint too. Im doing this for you." I scolded. Randy sighed and stood up he grabbed the red fingerpaint and painted a heart right above the bed. Then he took the black and in the middle wrote: D.S + R.S. It was pretty cute.

"Awww!" I giggled. I grabbed the blue paint and walked over to Randy. "Hands out." I stated.

"Why?" Randy asked.

"Just do it." Randy put both hands out and I poured some paint in his hands. "Rub your hands together." Randy did that. I guided Randy's hands over to one side of the heart Randy made. I pressed his hands against the wall so it made his hand prints. Then I grabbed the pink paint and did the same on the opposite side. I stood back and admired my work when two blue hands were pressed to my cheeks.

"Randy!" I said in shock. I had two hand prints on my face. I grabbed the spray paint and sprayed Randy's sweatshirt. We laughed and started painting eachother. Then we got serious again and I started painting a tree on the wall for no reason. Randy was painting some name of a band on the wall. We were quiet except for the sound of music Randy was painting. Then a nurse walked in looking at a clipboard.

"How ya feelin' Randy?" The nurse asked. She looked up to see two teens covered in paint while painting on the wall. "I see your feeling a little better."

"Yeah....I guess. Not very good yet but ok." Randy shrugged continuing his painting.

"And who are you?" The nurse asked.

"Im Delaney. Randy's girlfriend." I smiled. "I would shake your hand but Im sort of covered in paint." I laughed.

"Its ok....did you guys get permission to do this?"

"Yeah...I asked Randy's doctor yesterday."

"Alright. Well, Randy, you have a schedualed appointment with Sarah this afternoon. So finish painting and get showered and changed for your appointment." The nurse left and Randy continued painting.

"Whos Sarah?" I asked.

"My therapist." Randy said not looking in my direction.

" she nice?" I asked.


"Whats wrong? Your going back to not being yourself."

"I dont know....I just have a feeling that I'll never get out of here."

"You will. I promise." Randy only shrugged and I started packing up the paint. "I'll leave the paint here so whenever you feel like painting you can."


After packing up the paints I washed my hands and face. I still had paint but I was clean enough to drive home. I said bye to Randy and drove off. I think Randy had a pretty good time until that nurse said he had to see Sarah. I know he doesn't want help but he needs it.

I arrived back at the large house and decided to sit in the hot tub. I took out my phone and scrolled through Instagram. Everything was normal.....nothing new. I set my phone down but my phone rang saying I had a FaceTime notification. I looked at it and it said: SADIE. Sadie is an old friend of mine. I haven't seen her for almost 4 years now since she moved. I clicked accept. A girl with long reddish hair and bright green eyes answered.

"Delaney! I was hoping it was you." Sadie smiled.

"Sadie? I haven't seen you for like 4 years?" I replied.

"I know! I just moved back!"


"Yeah! I was hoping I could come see you. Catch up?"

"Uhh.....sure?" I said in a question.

"Do you still live in the same place?"

"No....the rest of my family lives there still but I moved out."

"You live alone.... Nice!"

"No....I live with my boyfriend actually."

"Oh..... I can't wait to meet him!"

"He's actually in the hospital for serious depression and suicidal thoughts."

"Oh my! Well I hope I can see him someday."

"Of course."

"So what's your address?" I told it to her and we hung up. I told her to bring her swimsuit too. I quickly ran inside putting on my cover up. My hair was in a bun so I looked somewhat ready for a guest.

About 15 minutes later the door bell rang. I walked over to the door. Sadie was standing there.

"You have a huge house! How much do you have to pay?" Sadie said.

" boyfriends grandparents pay for it" I shrugged.

"Wow." She said amazed.

"Come in. We can go out back to the hot tub." We walked through the house and outside. Sadie took off her clothes to reveal her swimsuit. Instead of stepping into the hot tub she ran off and jumped into the pool. I walked over to see what she was doing. She was a little too hyper for me.

"Come in here!" Sadie laughed.

"I was actually hoping to go in the hot tub." I replied pointing to the hot tub.

"Don't be silly! Come in here!" I sighed and walked to the stairs of the pool and went in. Sadie started splashing me even though I didn't want to get my hair wet. She was laughing like crazy. This defiantly isn't the Sadie I remember from 4 years ago.
How was that chapter??
Do I need to improve on anything at all!????
~Stay classy and watch YouTube!~

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