Chapter 13

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Delaney Sugg

We ended up eating at Delfino, a pizza restaurant. I was pretty happy since pizza is one of my favorite foods. I ordered a cheese and pepperoni pizza with a pepsi and Randy ordered a cheese, pepperoni and mushroom pizza with a beer. Since he was 18 and could drink. 

When the pizza came I started eating and it was amazing. We both were devouring our pizza's until there was none left.

"Dessert?" Randy chuckled.

"Why not." I replied. We ordered a dessert pizza that was a thin pizza crust and it had cinnamon and sugar with ice cream and whipped cream. We ended up sharing since it was pretty big. When we finished we walked around the streets of London. As we were walking I saw my good friend Niaomi Smart, who is actually a Youtuber. 

"Nim!" I yell. She turns around and looks at me.

"Laney!!" She yells coming over and hugging me. "I haven't seen you for a while."

"I know! What have you been doing?"

"Well, when Marcus went to America with Alfie and Will, I tagged along for a little bit. I just got back yesterday but Alfie and Will come back tomorrow."

"Oh! Alfie is coming over Saturday, maybe you'd want to come over too."

"Sure! That sounds like fun." I noticed Niamoi looking up at Randy. It would seem a little creepy since theres a guy dressed in pretty much all black, wearing sunglasses and is standing right behind me.

"Im sorry! This is Randy, my boyfriend." I say.

"Wow. Nice to meet you, Randy." Nim's replied.

"Nice to meet you too."

"Well, I better get home. I have a lot of cleaning that needs to get done before Markie gets home. Take care of her Randy. See you Laney!" She calls. Randy nods and we start walking.

"Laney?" Randy smirks.

"Stop that. To be honest I hate that nickname but I started calling her Nims after I heared her boyfriend Marcus call her Nimbob so she started calling me something." I shrug.

"Well, its cute." Randy chuckled. I punch his arm playfully and we intertwine our fingers together and walked around.

Randy ended up dropping me off at home a little too late. It was about 11 o'clock at night. He meant to drop me off at the latest, 9, but we were having so much fun that we got carried away. I walked into my house quietly but then the kitchen light turned on and I cursed myself for getting caught. My dad walks into the living room where I now stand.

"What don't you understand about being home by 10?" My dad scolds.

"Im sorry. Its just, I was having so much fun with Randy and----" I start but get cut off.

"You were out with that boy again? I should've known. First of all, your grounded and second of all, You are not to see Randy for 3 weeks outside of school."

"What!? Dad! You can't do this! I love Randy."

"You don't even know what love is. How can you love him?"

"Because I do! Please dad. Just take away my phone or my laptop or something. Not Randy."

"No. I've made up my mind. You are not to see this boy for 3 weeks."

"No! I will see him!"

"Fine. Thats a whole month without seeing him." I sob escaped my lips and a very tired Joe came down the steps.

"Whats going on?" Joe asked yawning.

"Dad....he is forbiding me from seeing Randy for a whole month!" I cry.

"Dad, you can't do that to her." Joe said.

"Im the father here therefore I make the decisions."

"Its not fair!" I yell. I turn around and grab my backpack and purse. I open the front door.

"Where do you think your going!?" My dad yells.

"Away from this place." I say. I get in my car and start to drive. I was crying. I tried calling Randy but he didn't answer. I tried again and waited for him to pick up. I hear him say hello but just as I was about to say hi back a giant semi-truck rammed into the side of my car and I black out. 

Randy Smith

After my date with Delaney I got home and decided to take a shower. I checked my phone for any texts or calls and there was none so I got in the shower. I took my time thinking about mine and Delaney's date. 

I stepped out of the shower when I heard my phone ring. I walked carefully over to it to make sure the towel wrapped around my waist wouldn't fall off. It was Delaney.

"Hello?" I said into the phone. There was no reply. I only heard the sound of glass shattering, a car horn and Delaney screaming. That was it. I put on some underwear, sweatpants, and a sweatshirt on and got in my car. I was able to track Delaney's number to where she was right now. She was on the road right before the street I live on. When I pulled onto that road I saw a giant semi-truck that was smoking out of the engine and an impala that was crushed. That was Delaney's car. I dialed 911 to let them know what I see. Then I rushed over to Delaney's car and see her unconcious in her seat. She had blood on her face and there were tears down her cheeks which means she was crying before the crash.

"Sir? Sir? Did you call 911?" A police officer said.

"Ye-yes. Please. Help her." I replied. There were already fire men pulling the guy from the semi out. He looked completly fine. Maybe a cut or bruise here and there but nothing compared to Delaney. Another fire man came over and pryed open Delaney's door. He cut her seatbelt off and carried her out. He rushed her to the ambulence and I ran over.

"Sir. You need to stay here unless you are family." The cop said. 

"Im her boyfriend. Does that count?" I asked.

"Sorry. Only imideat family. You can meet us at Centry Hospital." I nodded and I got in my car and drove to the hospital where I could find out if Delaney was ok or not.



Sorry for the downer...... :( 

Do you think Delaney will be ok? Or is she not going to be ok?

I have been updating more lately since I have been on Spring Break but tomorrow I go back to school so I can't promise you more updates. There may be one sometime this week though. 

I also won't be updating at all Friday, Saturday and maybe Sunday because Im going to be at Wisconsin Dells so I don't really want to update when Im at a waterapark.....

Also, I just got a spotify!! Add me at lsnyder33       You can listen to what I have been listening to lately!! :)

ANYWAY, hope you enjoyed!! :) 

~Stay classy and watch Youtube!~

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