Chapter 17

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Randy Smith
The principal, Mr. Hawkins, told me to wait in his office. I sighed sitting in one of the chairs. A few moments later Mr. Hawkins walked in. He had a bandage on his nose and an ice pack.

"Mr. Smith. Fighting in the halls is unexceptable, and you know that." Mr. Hawkins scolded.

"I know." I muttered.

"And you will be paying my medical bill for this." He said motioning to his nose.

"Mr. Hawkins. I can't. I'm sure you heard what happened to my sister and I can't pay for that."

"I'm terribly sorry for your loss but you still need to take the consequences."


"Lets take a look at your record." Mr. Hawkins clicked a few things on the computer. His glasses sat at the bridge then his eyebrows went up. He looked up at me through his glasses.

"Randy. This is your third penalty. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to expel you." Mr. Hawkins sighed.

"No. I can't loose my sport scholarship." I argued.

"I'm sorry. Rules are rules Randy. Now go grab anything from your locker and please go home." I looked at him and got up. I slammed his door. I looked over to see Delaney leaning against the wall. She looked up when she saw me come out. I just shook my head and started walking to my car.

"Randy! Wait!" I heard her say.

"What?" I said maybe to harsh.

"Is everything ok?" She asked.

"Do you want to skip the rest of the day?" I asked her.


"so you can come keep me company?" She looked back at the school then to me.

"Sure." She smiled. I helped her into the car and I drove to the top of the mountain like last time. We both sat down on the grass.

"So, what happened back there? That guy was just helping." Delaney said.

"That guy happens to be Blake Darwin. He is also my enemy. He always tries to be better than me and now he tries to steal my girlfriend? That's not ok." I explain.

"But you can't solve problems by punching people. He was only being nice.

"I'm sorry for being protective." I sarcastically say.

"Wow. I was actually going to forgive you." Delaney chuckled a little.

"What do you mean forgive me?" I ask.

"You told me you only started dating me because of Stephanie!"

"Don't you dare bring Stephanie into this."

"Well I am!" I got so mad I just walked to my car. I heard her yell.
"WE'RE THROUGH!!!" She screamed loudly.
I felt like a jerk for leaving a cripple laying in the grass, but I'm just so angry right now. Plus, we aren't even dating anymore I guess.

Delaney Sugg

I can't believe he left me on top of a mountain. I felt embarrassed and I started crying. I grabbed my phone and called Joe knowing Zoe was out with Louise shopping today.

"Joe?" I cried into the phone.

"Delaney? Why aren't you at school?" Joe asked.

"I was helping out Randy but he got mad at me and left me at Horizon National Park. I'm on top of the mountain and obviously can't walk down the road with crutches."

"I'll come get you just stay there." I sat there and waited. It would take a little for Joe to get here so I laid down on the grass. Then I felt a shadow over my body and the body sat next to me. I opened my eyes and looked Over to see Blake.

"I see you come up here too." Blake said staring into the distance.

"Yeah...what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I could say the same to you." Blake smirked. I smiled a little. "So, I never caught your name." Blake said.

"It's Delaney Sugg."

"Delaney.....hmmm.....I think I'll call you Laney."


"What? Do you not like that?"

"It's fine.....that was just sort of random."

"Well,mom Blake."

"I know..... Randy told me."

"Ah.....your over protective boyfriend."

"Ex- boyfriend." I said sadly.

"He broke up with you?"

"I broke up with him."

"Oh...." There was an awkward silence. Then I heard a car pull up. I saw Joe. I stood up with the help of Blake and he helped me to the car.

"Nice talking to you." I smiled. I looked over to see that Blake rode a bike up here. "Do you want a ride home?"

"I should be fine."

"No... Come with us."

"Alright." Blake grabbed his bike and put it in the trunk. I sat in the front and Blake sat in the back. He gave Joe directions to his house and we drove there. Surprisingly he lived somewhat close to me. Then I realized a house across the street. It was Randy's. And I saw Randy outside. He was looking at the car and when he saw Blake get out hi could pretty much see him clenching his jaw from here.

Blake walked in and we tatted backing out of the driveway. All of a sudden Joe stopped the car. I looked over to see Randy running over.

"What we're you doing with him?" Randy said.

"He was nice enough to wait for my brother to pick me up since my ex boyfriend was stupid enough to leave me stranded on the top of a mountain with crutches." I replied.

"Seriously? Your actually breaking up with me?"

"Actually, if I remember correctly, I already did that." I rolled up my window and told Joe to drive home. We drove off leaving Randy in the street shocked that I actually left him in the street.



Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Zayn left the band for real! 😫😫😫😫 it's so sad.....

At least Everyone else is continuing! Especially Louis. If he left I probably would've died

~Stay classy and watch YouTube!~

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