Chapter 49

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Delaney Sugg

I decided that today would be a good day to show James around London. When I woke up I realized James was still asleep most likely from jet lag.

"James. Get up. I'm going to take you out for breakfast." I say. James groans and rolls over. He stretches and goes to get dressed. I was going to take him to The Table Café which is a typical British restaurant.

"I'm ready." James says rubbing his eyes.

"Okay let's go. Some good breakfast will wake you up for sure." I reply. We walk out the door and go to the restaurant.

When we enter there are sounds of laughter and silverware hitting the plates.

"This place is so different from Alabama and California!" James exclaims.

"It is isn't it! Your going to love the food here! I always did when I was your age." We were seated at a table and given menus.

"Can I start you two off with drinks?" The waitress asked.

"Um yes. I'll have a breakfast tea with milk and honey please." I reply.

"And for you sir?" She asks turning toward James.

"I'll have an orange juice please, ma'am." James says.

"Okay! It'll only be a minute." the waitress smiled and went off. I sat back and let out a sigh looking out the window.

"Well, I think this is very nice trip even though your siblings are injured." James said.

"Yeah. Its nice to come back. I missed living here." I smile.

"Its very nice. So lively. Back in Alabama everyone was so rude in the small town where I lived. No one liked me, probably because I trespassed all the time and ruined property but thats not my fault that there was absolutely nothin' to do there."

"Oh James. You make me laugh sometimes."

"I try." The waitress comes back with our drinks and we also order our food.

"Im going to go to the bathroom quickly. Ill be right back." I say. James nods and I go into a single person bathroom. I felt heavier than usual and knowing that Im carrying another human inside me was kind of scary as well as exciting. I lift up my shirt and look at my stomach sideways. I was starting to show! That was very exciting to me. I washed my hands quickly and went back out to James.
I sat down across from him and smiled.

"What?" James asked.

"Im starting to show!" I reply smiling wider.

"Wow! Thats great!"

"I know! Randy is going to be so happy when he finds out!"


A little later on James and I decided to have some ice cream at a little ice cream parlor. We sat outside and ate our ice cream. I was having a great time with James. I was truly enjoying myself. Then my phone rang. I recognized the number as the hospital.

"Hello?" I say.

"Is this Delaney Sugg?" A lady on the other end asks.

"This is."

"Hello. This is Anna Marie from the hospital where your siblings are staying. We need you to get to the hospital as soon as you can. There is some complications with Zoe." Anna says.

"Oh okay. Ill be there right away." I say hanging up. I felt my eyes start to well up with tears.

"Everything okay?" James asks throwing his napkin away.

"Somethings wrong with Zoe. We need to go now." I say. I dial for an uber and we wait. James gave me a hug as we were waiting.

"Everything will be okay Delaney." James says. I hug him back just as our pulled up.

"Thank you James." I smiled. We get inside the car and our driver takes us straight to the hospital.


We enter the hospital and I explain to the lady at the front about getting a call to come here as soon as I could. She let both James and I into the room where there was a Doctor.

"Hello. Im Dr. Hannah Brown. Please, take a seat." Dr. Hannah says. James and I take a seat across from here.

"What happened to Zoe?" I ask quickly.

"We thought she was doing great. She was eating and drinking and talking to all of us. This morning we went to go check on both her and Joe and she was having a seizure. We jumped to action straight away and once we calmed her down we did some tests. It turns out she did hit her head harder then we thought. Some people don't show symptoms of head trauma right away and that was the case. She had fluid throughout her brain which triggered the seizure to happen. We were able to get her into surgery and get most of the fluid out and she has been stable for 45 minutes now."

" she's going to be okay?"

"So far we believe so. There is no other sign at the moment of any other complication."

"How about my brother Joe? Is he alright?"

"Why don't you go ask him yourself."

"Wait. He's awake?"

"That's the other reason why I called you down here. Joe woke up a little after Zoe was taken into surgery. He's up and stable." The doctor smiled. I just started feeling a bit better. I grabbed James' hand and rushed to Joes room. He was moved after Zoe's seizure.

"Hey Delaney." Joe said quietly as I entered the room.

"Joe. I was so worried." I breath giving Joe a soft hug.

"I'm all good."

"You don't look all good."

"I'll heal up. Don't worry. Now who's this?" Joe asks looking at James.

"This is James. Randys cousin from Alabama. He lives with us now."

"So he's like your son?"

"Sorta. But look at this! I'm showing!" I say showing Joe my stomach.

"Your pregnant?"

"I swear I told you and Zoe."

"I must've forgotten. But yay! This is so exciting."

"I know! I'm so happy!" I smile sitting on the end of Joes bed.

"Excuse me. Delaney. Joe. We need to tell you something about your sister Zoe."

Thank you vanessa_hetalialover for giving me the idea for this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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