Chapter 11

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Quick authors note! I know I said that I see Randy as Cameron Dallas but Im changing that. You can still see him that way but I have been seein him more as James Lafferty who is the main charachter in the show One Tree Hill. So I'll add a picture.

ANYWAY! CHAPTER 11!!!!!!! :)


I know I haven't had a good story in a while but let me tell you, I found one. Many students say they are these big tough cool people. Basically, they think they rule the school. I recently have found out about one persons story and how they are not they say they are.

I'm not naming names but we can call him Mystery.

Mystery has this reputation of being the coolest kid in school. But here's the thing he actually had a big sob story behind his disguise of being cool.

Mystery is a senior here at school and has a younger sister which we can call Brat. The name fits her. Anyway, Mystery and Brat aren't the only siblings in the family. Mystery had a twin sister which we can call.....X. X sadly died in a terrible car crash almost 3 years ago. Mystery has been blaming himself all these years for the death of his twin.

I am very positive that there are so many other students here with different kinds of sob stories. To be completely honest, I don't want to offend anyone with this article but this has to be the best yet.

Thanks for reading!

After reading this I was so mad with Mariah. I looked over at Randy who looked furious.

"How could you, Delaney? This was my secret! You weren't suppose to go off telling people." Randy yelled.

"I'm really sorry. I told Mariah who I have been friends with since kindergarten. I never wanted her to post it. I told her not to write it." I said.

"That's not the point. You weren't suppose to tell anyone. Even your best friend."

"Randy, I---"

"I'll take you home." He stood up and I followed. I told myself not to cry. We got to the car and Randy started driving me home. The whole time there was no talking or music in the car. I sat and looked out the window. I glanced over at Randy who looked really mad.

When we pulled in front of my house I started grabbing my purse.

"Randy I'm really sorry." I said. Randy only nodded. I took that as a hint to leave. I shut the door and opened my front door. My parents were cooking dinner. I started walking up the stairs quickly not wanting to talk to them. I went into my room and locked my door. I tossed my purse on my dresser an collapsed on my bed. I started crying a little bit. I heard my phone ring and I looked at it hoping it was Randy. Instead it was Mariah. I ignored the call. She called back and continued calling. I decided to text her instead.

What do you want

Crabby much???? Were you sick today???


What? Did you skip

Why should I tell you

I am your bestie right??😏

I don't know anymore

What do you mean

just meet me at the park now

I went told my parents I was going to the park but of course they asked a billion questions and said be home by 10, but eventually I was at the park. I saw Mariah walk over to me.

"What's wrong?" Mariah asked.

"Why did you post that article when I told you not to?" I replied.

"It was a good one."

"You know both Randy and I saw the article. It's sort of ruining our relationship. He's mad at me now!"

"I'm sorry geez."

"No you aren't! I don't know if I can trust you anymore."

"Sure you can. We're best friends!"

"I don't know if we are anymore."

"Stop it Delaney! I'm sorry ok?"

"No. Sorry isn't going to help." I walked away despite Mariah's calls for me to stay and talk it through. I was done with her for now. I can't trust her. It's one thing to write an article about popular kids but she wrote about a specific person with a specific story.

I was back home in time for dinner. My mom was just setting up the table with bread, salad and spaghetti.

"I see you made it back in time." My mom stated.

"Yeah. I did." I said with no expression.

"Something wrong?"

"No. Just tired and hungry."

"Well, go wash up for dinner and get Joe and Zoe to come down and eat." I walked up stairs and washed my hands. Then I found Zoe and Joe in the office recording a gaming video for Joe's thatcherjoegames video.

"Hey. Come down for dinner." I whispered not wanting to disturb them.

"Ok." Joe said turning to look at me. "Come say hi to all my subscribers."


"Oh come on party pooper."

"Joe. I said no. Just com down stairs. Both of you." I left the room closing the door. My parents already started eating so I sat down and scooped out some spaghetti and salad. I took a bite but my mind kept running over to Randy. He wasn't talking to me and it was really getting me annoyed and upset.

Joe and Zoe came down the stairs just as I was putting my plate in the dishwasher. I glanced up at them then back to my plate.

"Started eating without us?" I heard Joe joke.

"I thought you were coming down right away. I'm sorry." My mom replied making me roll my eyes.

"I was just joking mom." I shut the dishwasher and walked upstairs. I went to my room and tried calling Randy. It rang once then went to voicemail which means he ignored my call. I did the next best thing and texted. I paced around my room waiting for a reply. I checked my messages and saw that he read my text but didn't bother replying. This was really getting on my nerves.


Hope you enjoyed!!!

I added a picture of James Lafferty or who I now see as Randy.

~Stay classy and watch YouTube~

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