Chapter 20

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Randy Smith

I wasn't that prepared for the amount of attention I was going to get. I mean, I always had people talking to me since I'm pretty popular around here, but there were people I've never even seen walk up to me. I just hid all my feelings behind my dark sunglasses. That's why I wore them. I never wanted people to know how I'm feeling when they say something to me.

I walked into my science class a little late, as usual.

"Mr. Smith! Nice to see you again." My teacher, Mr. Zimmerman said. I nodded slightly in his direction and took my seat in the back. "We are all very sorry for your loss." Mr. Zimmerman said. I rolled my eyes which no one could see. I just started staring. "Ok then....lets get on with class then." Mr. Zimmerman once again continued.

I really have no clue what we were doing in science. We were suppose to take notes but I just scribbled in my notebook. I was now sitting in math when the counselor, Mr. Thompson or Coach Thompson as I like to call him since he's my basketball coach.

"Hello Mrs. Hendricks. I'm here for Randy." Coach Thompson said referring to my math teacher.

"Sure thing. Go on then Randy." Mrs. Hendricks smiled at me. I stood up and walked toward Coach. We went outside of the classroom and started walking down the hall.

"How ya doing Smith?" Coach asked.

"Fine." I shrugged.

"Well, we are going to go to my office to talk a little."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Sure there is! You were gone for so long and I want to catch up with my favorite b-ball player." Coach slapped my back. I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes. Those sunglasses don't hide your body language." Coach said. He always says things like that but I don't really care.

We got to his office and I sat down across from coach. He spun around in his chair and opened his mini fridge.

"Ok..... Here we are. A cherry Pepsi for you and a Mountain Dew for me." Coach said handing me a can of cherry Pepsi. I nodded, not feeling like talking and opened the can.

"It's ok to talk you know." Coach chuckled.

"I don't feel like talking." I replied.

"Well, are you going to start playing with the team again soon? I know schools done today but the basketball season isn't done yet."

"I know.... I'll start back up this weekend. My parents just moved out so I have my girlfriend living with me and I want her to get settled."

"Your parents moved out?"

"Yeah and I wasn't planning on moving out with them."

"Ok...well, Saturday then. Practice here at 10 AM."

"Sounds good."

"Now tell me about how your really feeling. I know you aren't fine." I sighed.

"To be honest....My depression is getting worse." I said. I had depression since I was 8. I got better pretty quick but then my twin sister died and it came back. Then I always had it but not bad but now it's getting pretty bad.

"Have you seen someone about it?"

"I am not going back to one of those mental hospitals."

"Those doctors are there to help you. I want you to go see someone. What would your girlfriend want you to do?"

"To get help."

"Yes. And to make sure you actually tell her I'm going to call her down." Coach went to his computer and looked up Delaney's schedule. Then he called her down. I sat back and waited then the door opened. Delaney walked in and saw me.

"What's wrong?" Delaney asked.

"Nothing really. Randy needs to tell you something and I want to be here to make sure he does it." Coach explained.

"What is it Randy?" Delaney said sitting down.

"My depression has come back and it's really bad so I'm going to get help." Delaney's face paled and her eyes glossed over.

"What do you mean it's really bad?" She asked shakily.

"I have no energy to do anything anymore."

"Ok. And you promise me you'll get help?"

"Yes. I'm going to go into that stupid mental hospital tomorrow."

"It's not stupid. They help you."

"I know."

"Ok.... You guys can head back to your classes and have a good summer." Coach dismissed.

"Thank you." Delaney smiled. We both walked out together and headed back to our math classes.

We had already had a little ceremony for the seniors. Then we were finally out of school. I saw Delaney waiting for me by the front.

"Hey." I said when I walked up to her.

"Hey! Let's go?" She said.

"Please." She laughed and we walked out to my car to head home.


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