Chapter 9

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Randy Smith

After Delaney got her hair done she asked me the craziest question.

"Randy, are you only dating me because Stephanie wants to meet my siblings?" She asked. That was probably the dumbest question. I'm dating her because I like her. I like her a lot. 

"Of course not. I only date people I truly like. And thats you Delaney. Never feel like Im using you alright?" I said rubbing her back.

"Ok. I just had this feeling." 

"No. Im defiantly not using you." 

I drove her back to her house and she got out and went inside her house. I drove back to my house and saw Stephanie outside practicing her cheerleading skills. 

"Hey Steph." I say walking past.

"Where were you?" She asked. 

"I was at Delaney's house."

"Delaney Sugg?"



"Im dating her."

"Are you going to get me to meet her siblings?"

"Stephanie, please stop. That deal is off. If you want to meet them than you can do it yourself. Go to a meet and great or something."

"Why can't you just help me?"

"I really like Delaney. Im not just going to go off and use her. Do you realise how many people use her already?"

"Since when did you become so nice?"

"Ever since I got Cara out of my life."

"Cara had nothing to do with this."

"Yeah she did. She made me a stupid rude person which is not who I am." I walked away and went into my house where my parents were once again fighting. They fight all the time and its really annoying. To be completely honest, I want them to get a divorce. I know most kids will do anything to keep their parents together but this has gone on for way to long therefore its better if they just split up. 

I walked past the shouting and to my bedroom where I spend pretty much every second of my life. I shut my door and laid on my bed letting out a much needed sigh. I took out the crumpled picture that was inside my pillow case. 

"Why did you have to leave?" I whispered to the picture. The picture was of my twin sister. She was really the only one that understood me. We were always together. Her name was Haley. About 3 years ago she died. 


"Randy! Im have to go to volleyball practice but its really snowy out and I dont want to drive. Can you drive me?" Hayley asked.

"No. Im to tired right now." I reply. I had just gone to a party the night before and I wasn't really in the mood.

"Please Randy. I never drive good in the snow."

"You'll be fine." Haley groaned and heard the door slam. I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes falling asleep.

I was woken up by someone shaking me. I opened my eyes to see my mom shaking me and my dad sitting on the foot of my bed. My mom was crying really hard and my dad had tears in his eyes. 

"What happened?" I ask sitting up.

"Haley." Was  all my mom could say.

"Mom. What happened. What happened to Haley?" I shout.

"Sh-she got in an accident."

"Is she ok?"

"We have to go to the hospital." I got up fast and slipped on my shoes.

"What are you waiting for. Lets go!" I yell. I got in the car as well as my parents and Stephanie. 

At the hospital we ran back to where Haley was. There was a nurse standing in by the door but the door was shut. 

"Are you Haley Smith's family?" The nurse asked.

"Yes. Is she ok?" I ask.

"Come with me." We walked to a room and sat down in some chairs. 

"Haley was in  a terrible accident and she has passed." When the nurse said that I fell to the floor in tears. To be completly honest I think I took it the hardest. I ended up staying in my room for weeks. I didn't go to school I just stayed in my room depressed.


I felt tears on my cheeks and I put the picture back into my pillow case. It was all my fault. She died because I was lazy and didn't want to help her. I started crying now. I heard someone knock on my door and walk in.

"Randy?" It was Delaney.

"Why are you here?" I asked wipping my eyes.

"You left your phone at my house. Is everything alright?"


"Whats wrong?"

"My life is screwed up Delaney. Im not the cool kid everyone thinks I am."

"What do you mean?"

"My parents fight non stop, my sister thinks she gets everything and my other sister-----"  I started crying again. I felt like such a baby.

"What do you mean your other sister?" 

"I-I had a twin sister but she died 3 years ago because I was so stupid!" She didn't respond so I continued. "I was so lazy and didn't want to drive my sister to her volleyball practice and she got in a terrible car practice and died." Delaney was crying but she was rubbing my back.

"Im so sorry." She gave me a hug. 

"Delaney, I love you." She calmed a little and sat up and looked at me. 

"I-I love you too." She smiled. I rubbed the falling tears off her cheeks. I pulled her in for another hug and we just sat there for a while until I heard my door open once again this time revealing Stephanie.

"Whats going on?" She asked.

"Nothing. Please just leave us alone." I ask. 

"Why should I?"

"Stephanie please." Delaney sat up staring at Stephanie.

"Delaney! Are you going to take me over to your house to hang out?"

"Stephanie! Please just leave us alone! You are not going to use Delaney for her siblings. Leave!" I yelled. Stephaine furrowed her eyebrows and left slamming the door.



Yet another chapter!! #doubleupdate #yas #haha Hahaha...Im not funny....

~Stay classy and watch Youtube!~

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