You "Hate" Each Other

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(( A/N: I've been listening to Your Song by Elton John a lot lately. If you've never heard it before, I'd recommend listening to the One Direction cover of it on the X Factor. I linked it above or to the side or whatever. I'm wearing very comfy sweat pants right now lol. ))

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Of course you were stuck tutoring the nicest person in the school. Who just happened to be the brother of the rudest person in the school. "Hi Jack," You greet him, as he opens the door to his house. "Come in, its freezing out there!" He quickly comments. You happily oblige and step in. "You can sit in the kitchen, over there, and I'll be down with the my books. I also have to wee." Jack laughs. You smile at him and watch him for a moment as he bounds up the stairs. You look over to the kitchen and grudgingly enter. Unfortunately, Luke is seated at the kitchen table chugging down a can of beer, with his eyes focused on his phone. Quietly, you lay your backpack down on the floor, and take your coat off. "Look who's here," Luke smirks, his eyes watching you playfully. You make eye contact with him and his eyes are bloodshot. Maybe he's nicer when he's drunk? You want to say something but your mouth isn't capable of forming words, as Luke tugs his lip in between his teeth.

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"Well than, why the fuck are you talking to me?" You rage to Michael. You were standing outside the school with a brick wall several feet behind you. Michael tugs at the roots of his hair. "You make crazy, Y/N!" He yells at you, his breathing heavy. "Absolutely fucking crazy," He whispers, his voice low and hoarse. Something churns in you and immediately you want to apologize. But you don't want to back down. This Michael Clifford we're talking about. "Then leave." You say pointing to any direction away from you. Michael pushes you into the wall, his arms caging you, his eyes showing a ferocity. "But I love that crazy." He exhales, his eyes on your lips. You press yourself against the brick, trying to flatten yourself. "You're not scared of me." Michael says, trying to convince you. "The world is aware of it." You counter. "Believe me," He says, before leaning down and smashing his chapped lips onto yours.

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Honestly the only reason you came to the stupid band practice, was because your best friend Calum dragged you to it. "It'll be fun, I promise!" He had said. You being the kinda best friend that lets herself be dragged into anything, went along with it. But the thing you had momentarily forgotten was that the drummer in the band, hated you for some odd reason. When Calum pulled into the driveway of not Luke's, not Michael's and definitely not Calum's driveway, you had a feeling this wouldn't end well. But here's the thing it didn't not end well. Ashton had rarely spoken to you the entire time, and when he did he stuttered and his face turned a light shade of red. Honestly, you thought it was kinda cute. The boys would tease Ashton over it, and he would deny everything they said. "I'm gonna go get some water." You lied, and stood up. You actually just stood outside the door, with one ear pressed to the wall so you could hear everything that was going on. "Guys stop it!" Ashton yelled quietly, clearly frustrated. "Stop what?" Michael mocked. "She's gonna find out that I like her, if you don't stop doing this!" Ashton said, and you could just imagine his hands on his hips, and his head cocked to the side. You pressed your hand on your mouth to stop yourself from squealing. You quickly grabbed a waterbottle that was laying on the ground and reentered the room.

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You glare at your brother, as he enters the kitchen with his best friend Calum tailing behind. Calum was cute, but he was a prick to you. You didn't even know why.You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, before resuming to your homework that was due tomorrow. "Shit!" Y/B/N cusses, spilling water all over himself. "I'll be right back," He begins, gesturing to his soaked pants. "Be nice to Y/N." Y/B/N chuckles, and leaves you and Calum alone. You mentally curse your brother, and huff in annoyance as your maths homework makes no sense. Calum sits down at the table. "Do you need help?" He asks, taking a swig from his can of Sierra Mist. "Uhm, sure." You say, as nonchalantly as possible. You scoot your paper closer to him, as he was in the year above yours. "Oh this is easy," Calum says, moving his hair off of his forehead. He scribbled down an equation and explained it to you. "You add that and that, then you multiply it, then divide it by two." He said, pointing at the numbers in turn. "Thanks," You said, and jotted down the answer. "Like that?" You confirm, and Calum nods. "And for this one you just do the reverse operations." Calum says, and writes down the formula for it. "Thanks," You say again, and he leans over to give you a hug.

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(( A/N: I know Calum's a drop out, but for a second lets pretend hes not. I need a good Michael fanfic, so if you have one, feel free to inbox me or comment. 

Love ya.

Muaaah. ))

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