You're Pregnant

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(( A/N: I'm hungry right now and there's no food here. Ugh. ))

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"Babe, wake up." You hiss. Luke turns over drowsily, and looks at you. "I want watermelon." You whisper, as the rain pitter patters against the window. "Now?" Luke asks, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. You hum back a yes. He rolls out of bed and flops onto the ground and lays there for a few minutes. You rub your 7 month stomach and smile as you feel a slight kick. "Luke, the baby's' kicking!" You whisper and suddenly Luke is up and his hand is laid gently against your bump. The baby kicks and Luke locks his blue eyes with you and you both share a smile. "Now be a good daddy, and go out, and buy your baby some watermelon." You say to him. "It's not even watermelon season!" Luke exclaims. You glare at him, and he puts his clothes on before getting you some watermelon from the co-op, while you settle back into a sleep.

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You wake up with the sudden urge to vomit. Morning sickness. You get up and cover your mouth with your hand and try not to disturb your kitten. (Your kitten is what you call Michael btw.) You open the door to the bathroom and switch on the light. You kneel in front of the toilet and take your hand off your mouth, and vomit. You begin to vomit absolutely nothing and it begins to hurt. You finally stop and you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. "Y/N?" Michael asks from the doorway. You look and feel tears brim in your eyes. He moves over to you and hugs you. "I just want it to stop," You whisper into his chest, crying. "Me too, I don't want to see you cry." Michael replies, kissing your hair. He helps you up and you both go to bed.

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You held Ashton's hand as you both walked to the hospital. He chatted about how excited he was. You were going to your second ultrasound, but it was the first one that Ashton was going to. You checked in and sat down across from the doctor, as she questioned you about your habits and what not. She finally told you to lay down on your back. She spread the gel over your stomach and took the scanner and rolled it over your stomach. "Here's the babies head," she said. You looked over to Ashton and saw tears in his eyes. He looked at you and he smiled at you. You smiled back at him. "Say hi to daddy!" You say to the monitor, and the baby's hand seems to move up and down, as if waving. Ashton smiles and laughs along with you.

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Tomorrow was the day your baby was due. You watched Calum rush around the flat packing stuff in a bag, for the hospital. You had went to the hospital a few days ago and the baby had already turned around so the head was positioned to come out. You laughed as he tripped over the car seat you had gotten, and face planted into the bag of newborn Honest Co. diapers. Calum held up two onsies. "Which one?" He asked. "The turtle one." You replied. You and Calum had decided that you didn't want to know what gender the baby was, so you had set up the nursery that it would work either way. You threw him the bag of chips and he caught it and stuffed it into the bag. He grabbed his 'Mans Guide To Surviving A Pregnancy,' and put it into the bag as well. "Babe you look sexy with the baby in you," Calum says winking at you, and you laugh. "Wait a year or two for that!" You reply shaking your head.

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(( A/N: How did you like it?

I take requests too! ))

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