You Hate Horror Movies And He Loves Them

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(( A/N: I've been obsessed with Fireball by Pitbull. Im on the bus right now grr. ))

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"Babe, it's fine!" Luke mutters amused, as you hide behind your fingertips. He rubs your back soothingly as yet another girl gets murdered. You nearly jump out of your skin as you see the sight. Luke chuckles and you turn your attention to him. "Why are you laughing?" You demand and Luke leans in and places his forehead against yours. "'Cause you're just so damn cute." He says and leans into kiss you, but you put your palm on his face and push him away. "Oh snap!" Luke yells, as he sees what just happened in the movie. Your jaw drops in surprise and Luke snags a kiss, with a smirk on his face. You stick your tongue out at him and hide behind your fingers again.

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You shove another handful of popcorn in your mouth, leaned against Michael. "She's gonna die," Michael says in a singsong voice, and you throw a handful of popcorn at him. He reaches for a piece in the bowl. He eats it and hovers his hand above the bowl and sprinkles the crumbs over the remaining pieces. You groan and he smiles wickedly at you, knowing you hate it when he does it. Suddenly, a piercing scream fills the room, and you throw up the bowl in surprise, showering you and Michael with pieces. "Babe, it's fine!" Michael says, soothingly, and picks off a piece of popcorn from your chest, and you swat at his hand.

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Several gunshots fill the air and you wince, and hide behind Ashton. You hear him chuckle and you gently hit him. "Its not funny." You mutter, peaking around Ashton's arm. "Yea it is." Ashton says and kisses up your neck. You moan, but a piercing scream fills the room, and you scream too. Ashton giggles, and you smack him. "Would ya look at that..." Ashton says in awe of all the blood and guts, and you gag. "Whatever," You say, and roll your eyes, and Ashton cuddles you from behind not wanting you upset. You push him away and immediately cuddle back into him, whilst all hell breaks loose on the screen. You stifle a scream by pressing your face into Ashton's shirt.

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"OH MY FUCKING GOD THAT WAS AWESOME!" Calum yells, as another innocent bystanders head explodes. You watch in disgust, as guts are all splattered across the screen. You cover your eyes and Calum prods you. "You fine?" He asks, and you nod. "No you're not." Calum says and hugs you. "Calum!" You squeal, as he pulls you off your place on the couch and pulls you onto his lap. "Do you want me to change it?" He asks. "You can watch what you want," You say, but deep down you really hope he changes it before you pee in your pants. He chuckles, and you both, much to your dismay, keep on watching the movie.

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