You Go Into Labour

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(( A/N: This was requested by a really awkward girl who doesn't want to be mentioned. She's obsessed with babies and 5sos (sorry babe) Btw I'm straight and female. *winks at Michael* ))

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"Are you doing fine?" Luke asks, for the millionth time in five minutes. "I'm fine," You say, and roll your eyes for the millionth time in five minutes. "Give me some ice." You say, and rub your belly. Luke rushes over with the cup and spoon in his hand and spoon feeds you. "I'm not a fucking baby." You say through the ice. "Don't swear, he might hear you." Luke whispers and you roll your eyes, as another contraction hits. You screw your eyes shut and Luke begins to panic. "What do I do?" He mumbles, and tugs at the roots of his hair. "Calm the fuck down." You groan, and soon the contraction is over. "You're taking this worse than I am."

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"Our daughters' perfect." Michael says, and kisses your temple. "You wanna cut the umbilical cord?" The nurse questions. Michael nods eagerly, and cuts it with the given scissors, and your daughter cries even more. "She says 'Ma' when she cries." One nurse says, and the other takes Y/D/N away to clean her up. "She's gonna be a sassy one." Your doctor warns jokingly, and cleans up. You smile and turn to Michael, who had tears in his eyes. "Aw, baby." You say, and lean over to hug him. "I love you." He says, holding you tightly. "I love you too." You tell him, and pull away, and peck him on the lips.

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"Ashton." You call out, wobbling down the stairs. "In here." He calls out from the kitchen. You quickly make your way to the kitchen, where he's washing the dishes. "My water just broke." You state, and the plate in Ashton's hands clatters into the sink. He turns the faucet off, and runs around the house grabbing things and muttering under his breath. "Okay, I'm ready." Ashton says, with a diaper bag, car seat, and over night bag in his hand. "Lets get in the car." You say. "Oh yeah." Ashton mumbles and snatches his keys from the coffee table. "I can't believe it." Ashton says, once you and him are buckled up. "Neither can I." You say, your eyes welling up with tears, and Ashton rubbing your knee soothingly.

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"Push mama, push, push, push." The doctor instructs, and pushes your thighs back, and you groan. "You can do it, baby." Calum whispers into your ear, and peppers kisses all over your face. "One more push, c'mon you got it! There we go." The room is filled with the crying of your sweet baby girl. "She's beautiful." Your doctor says, and puts your baby on top of your heaving chest. "Calum," You whisper. "She's ours." Calum says quietly. "Forever." You say, and tears begin spilling over your eyes. "We'll just clean her up." The doctor says, and picks up your daughter.

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(( A/N: Yolo. I got my hair cut and my mom doesn't like it. ))

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