He Loses His Voice

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(( A/N: sorry for not updating i literally have no excuse sorrryyyyyy, buttttttt check out my new fanfics count the stars, collide, and broken home, more is hopefully coming soon if i get good feedback :) ))

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The night before, 5SOS had played a rocking show at a arena that was close to your house, and Luke had gave that performance his all. Since the two of you were both tired, as soon as you got back to the comfort of your home, you managed to have some great shower sex and then went to bed. The next morning when you woke, you found yourself tangled in the duvet, naked and alone. Since the first thing Luke always did in the morning was go down to the kitchen and make the two of you coffee, you simply suspected that he was down there. You sighed to yourself and rolled out of bed, grabbing one of Luke's shirts from the closet. You slipped it on, and exited the bedroom and began the journey down the stairs, weirdly not hearing the drip of the coffee maker or Luke singing to himself. The stairs spiraled down into the kitchen, and you saw Luke kneeling on the ground, his body shaking. "Luke?" You questioned, sitting on the banister and sliding down so you could get to him quicker. You hopped onto the hard wood, and sat down beside him, putting your hand on his back. "Are you okay? What happened?" Luke looked up at you, sorrow in his eyes, while he put a hand to his throat, and you understood. "Oh baby, you lost your voice?" He nodded. "Let's get you back into bed," You said, helping him up. Despite what you had said, he moved to the couch, and curled up into a ball, wiping his tears. "I'll make you some tea, okay?" You whispered, smoothing down his hair, after you had covered him in a blanket. He nodded, sniffling and hiding his face into the arm of the chair.

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Michael had had a sore throat for the past week or so, and preforming made it even worse. So worse, that when he was in the middle of talking to you while cuddling, he simply lost his voice. His face was a slate of confusion, as he placed his hand on his throat while clearing it. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He cleared his throat again, this time his face scrunching up in concentrating. "Y/N," His voice came out as a squeak, and he made a weird face, trying to speak again, while you turned fully around in his embrace and placed your hands on his bare chest. "You lost your voice." You said bluntly, and he shot you a glare. "Don't give me that look," You giggled, making a smile break out on his face. "Anyways, you probably shouldn't talk." You continued, and he pouted his lips. "Do you want tea?" You asked, and he nodded. You tried to push yourself out of his grip, but he held on. "Excuse me, Mr. Clifford, if you want some tea, then let me fucking go," You said politely. He reluctantly let go, a wheezy chuckle pushing past his lips. "No laughing," You warned, leaving the room. The rest of the day was filled with lot's of tea, cuddles, him writing on a notepad and accidentally getting Sharpie on the sheets, and, of course watching and playing Pokemon. 

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You were comfortable in your bundle of blankets, watching The Nightmare Before Christmas, glad to have some time to yourself. Don't get me wrong, you totally love your boyfriend, Ashton, but having the house to yourself while he's at the studio gives you some time to do what you please, and not pester Ashton to come with you, because if he's with you, you'll take him everywhere, is a nice sigh of relief. So needless to say, you were surprised when Ashton came home a few hours early, a large frown painted on his lips. "What's wrong, Ash?" You asked, pausing the movie, and looking up at him from your cocoon. "I lost my voice," He squeaked, grimacing at the pain. "It hurts to talk," He added, nodding his head. "Okay, how about you make a fort, and I'll make us some tea and chicken noodle soup?" You offered, starting to unwrap yourself. Ashton put his hand on his chin, as if he were thinking about it, then giggled and nodded, because you both knew that he couldn't pass up on the offer. You got up and handed the blankets to Ashton after he enter the living room with two dining room chairs and you slipped into the kitchen, hoping that at the end of the day, he'll feel better.

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Calum nervously bounced his knee up and down while he waited for the doctor to come in with the test results. You put your hand on top of his knee, and said, "Calm down!" He flashed a sheepish smile, and grabbed you hand and gave it a squeeze. Calum's throat had been hoarse for the past month, and it pained him to talk, let alone sing, so Matt decided to send Calum to a doctor and get his vocal cords checked, so here the two of you were, waiting in the waiting room. "I'm sure everything's going to be fine," You whispered, trying to soothe him. "I'm scared," He muttered back, resting his head on your shoulder, while you wrapped you arm around his shoulder and played with a curl of his hair. "Mr. Hood?" A nurse asked, a file in her hand. Calum jumped up, pulling you along with him to the nurse, who offered the two of you a warm smile. "Right this way," She lead the two of you down a long hall and into a check up room, and gestured for Calum to sit down on the cot. "The doctor will be with you in just a moment to explain what's going with your throat," She smiled, and left the room, closing the door."More waiting,' He huffed, and you shot him a look. "You're on vocal rest," You warned. Soon enough, the door swung open again, with the doctor, who shook Calum's hand before sitting down. "Okay, so what we have her is a picture of what your vocal cords currently look like," He passed the two of you a picture. "And you see those bumps?" He asked, pointing to a spot on two flaps. "Those are nodules." Calum looked up at the dcoctor, waiting for a more thorough explanation. "They appear when you're voice has been abused, and can be removed only through surgery, but there is a chance that Mr. Hood wouldn't sing the same, or at all."

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(( a/n: you seriously should check out my fanfics ))

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