I'll Be Your Strength Preference

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(( A/N: You guys should know that I love The Wanted. Whats your favorite band? I couldn't find the song to go on the side sorry! This ones a bit longer. ))

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"And I won't let you surrender,"

You shut the door behind you and began to cry. Tears flooded down your face and a strangled sob escaped your throat. "Y/N, please open the door!" Luke says from outside, his voice choked with tears. You shake your head and collapse on the bathroom floor. You open up the cabinet under the sink to grab toilet paper and wipe your merciless tears away. You spot a razor. Even better. You snatch it from its place and Luke pounds on the door. You uncap it and press the blade on your wrist. "Y/N, Ill break this door if I have to." Luke says, warning you. You shake your head and drag the blade across your wrist as the door opens. "Y/N," Luke says and sits on the floor next to you. He snatches the razor from your hand and throws it on the wall, leaving a red mark. He envelopes you in a hug and you weep even harder. "I won't let you surrender, Y/N." Luke says softly.

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"We can stand so tall together,"

You walked down the road tears in your eyes, and rain in your hair. The next thing you know Michaels appears in front of you. "Y/N, sweetie, don't cry." He whispers to you. He puts his hands on either side of your face and wipes away your tears with his thumb. You shake your head unable to say anything. He kisses away your next three tears before you notice that he's crying too. "W-why are you c-c-crying?" You ask. "Because I can't stand to see you cry," Michael says, his voice shaking. "Y/N, don't do this to me." Michael whispers looking straight in to your eyes. "I-I," You begin. "I love you Y/N," Michael whispers, barely audible. Your tears seem to slow and you hug Michael tight. "Sweet pea, we can stand so tall together." Michael says to you quietly his chin resting on the top of your head.

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"We can go through it all together,"

You close the door to your bathroom, leaving it slightly open so Ashton knew you were in there. You lift up your shirt and look at you stomach. You could see each rib individually. You trace them with your fingers. You needed to loose just a few pounds, you thought of yourself as a fat unloveable person. That's why you hadn't let Ashton 'in your pants,' yet. But then what? What would you do after you lost those few pounds? You would die that's wha- You shut those thoughts out of your head. You heard a soft knock at the door and quickly put your shirt down and opened the door all they way. Ashton looked hurt. "Asht-" Ashton put his hand up to cut you off. "I've seen what I have." He simply says and you began crying. Ashton quickly came over to you and hugged your frail body. "Don't cry, Y/N," Ashton whimpers. You hug your hands and you feel your body shake, in sobs. Ashton pulls away and cups your face in his lean, strong hands. "We can go through it all together, I promised you." Ashton says looking deeply into your eyes, just as the world around you turns black.

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"I'll be strong, for you."

You wake up in the hospital, suicidal thoughts floating all around you. You rub your head and see that you're connected to IV. "No, no, no." You mutter and try to get up, as a nurse enters your room. She smiles at you. "You're up now, good. You have a visitor, Ms. Y/N." The nurse says and checks the machines that you're hooked up to. "It's actually who brought you in." She says and checks the levels in the IV. "Would you like me to bring them in?" She asks and faces you. You nod, unsure of your decisions. You lay in the bed for a few minutes before someone enters the room. In a blur, they rush to you, a sob escaping their throat, and kneel on the bed clutching your hand. You turn your head and see its Calum, and you begin to cry when you see his year stained face. "No, don't cry," Calum whispers in the stubborn way of his. You look the opposite direction, not wanting Calum to see you this way, but still hold his hand. "D-don't you ever do that again." Calum says. You nod your head and look at him again. His eyes are bloodshot and puffy and there are dark circles under his eyes. "I'll be strong, for you. You don't have to be strong. Just don't hurt yourself. Hurt ME. Vent, rant, cry. Just don't hurt yourself." Calum whispers the last part.

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