Prom | Luke Part 1

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(( A/N: So your dress is the one on the top/side. That was my sisters prom dress, for last year and I love it. ))

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You just finished curling the last piece of hair, and set you iron down and unplugged it. You sighed to yourself and sat down on your bed, slipping your heels on. Taking one last glance at the mirror you took your phone. Wedged in between the case and the phone itself, were a few important cards and a bill of money. You checked the clock as you walked out of your bedroom. 6:07. Luke was to pick you up at 6:30. You plunked yourself down on the couch and watched the minutes tick by. 6:30 turned into 7:30. Prom started at 7:45 and you were supposed to come early for pictures. You were just about to give up and go back to your room, when someone rung on the doorbell. Your parents were out for the night so it was just you. You opened the door to reveal a blue eyed blonde boy, who's hair had been quiffed up, lip pierced and dressed in a nice suit holding a corsage that matched your dress. "I told you I'd clean up nice." He says, and you realize it's Luke. You're dumbfounded and don't say anything. "What, you don't like it?" He asks. "No, you look great!" You say quickly and he blushes. "Are you ready to go?" He asks holding out his arm. You nod and accept his arm. You close, and lock, the door behind you and Luke leads you to a limousine filled with. You try not to stare at it or him. He opens the door and you sit it. In the limousine, was Michael with his date, Ashton with his, and Calum with his. You smile at all of them and clench and unclench your hands nervously. You smile to yourself as Michael tries to make a move on his date. You catch his dates eye and smile reassuringly at her. She nods and averts her gaze to her shoes, which are nude pumps. "Next stop, prom!" Ashton says, and the atmosphere immediately gets lighter. In the short 10 minute ride, you felt loosened up. Everyone barely had enough time to take photos and then rush inside.

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