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(( A/N: I'm sorry about the two weird updates how they got in the middle of the book. That confuses the hell out of me. The pictures above are how you cuddle, because cuddling ain't the same without cuddling. ))

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"Won't you, stay with me?" Luke sings loudly and off-key. You try to get out of his grip. "Do I have a choice?" You ask, boopping his nose. "Nope." Luke says, popping the p, and he boops your nose. You twist around, facing away from him. "Aww, babe, don't act like that." Luke whines, and your heart flutters when he calls you babe. "I'm sorry." Luke says, burying his face in the crook of your neck. "It's alright." You reply, laughing, as his stubble rubs against your bare skin. You stay in the same position for a few moments, before you begin to grow very uncomfortable. You squirm around, trying to get comfortable in your bed. Luke loosens his arms around you, and you roll over to cuddle into his bare chest. "Better?" He whispers to you, and you nod. He wraps his arms around your waist, bringing you closer. He twists his legs into yours, wanting more contact. You smile into his chest, as Luke plants a kiss on top of your head.

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You wake up to Michael lazily drawing vague shapes on your naked back. "Mrs. Clifford?" You ask, guessing what he's writing. Michael smirks and nods. He lightly traces 'Michaels property' on to your skin. "Are you kidding me?" You ask, laughing. Michaels face turns to a light shade of red, and buries your face into your neck. "I want to cuddle." You whine, and Michael shifts half of his weight onto you, moving his face, and intertwines his legs with yours. He moves his arm under your body, pulling you closer to him, and placing his forehead against your temple. "We are cuddling." Michael says, his accent thick. "I didn't notice." You say, laughing, causing Michael to laugh along with you, his breath hitching every now and then. "Y/N, I know I'm not perfect, but I really feel that we're perfect. Together." Michael says quietly, and kisses your jaw, gently, to decrease the nonexistent tension. "Me too." You reply.

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"Come cuddle with me." Ashton demands. You laugh, and return to bed with him. Just to annoy him, you scoot yourself away from Ashton, perched on the edge of the bed. "Y/N," Ashton whines, stretching out your name. "Ashton." You mock him. "Cuddle." Ashton says, adding emphasis to each syllable. "I don't know how to cuddle," You say and bite your lip, to prevent from laughing. "That's a new one." He says, clearly irritated. "Awww, is the cuddle bear angry?" You ask, in a sing song voice. "No." Ashton huffs. You roll over, and see Ashton looking up at the ceiling ignoring you. You move over to him, and wrap your arms around his torso. You look at him, willing him to melt into your arms. After a few moments, you shift onto Ashton, laying on him. Reluctantly, he wraps his arms around your waist loosely. "Can't stay mad at you forever." Ashton says, kissing the top of your head.

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"Y/N, come up to bed with me." Calum whispers, and you find yourself sleeping on the ground. "I'm sorry, I kicked you off the bed again." Calum says a bit louder, worried that your cross with him. You groan, and twist your legs into the duvet. A few moments later, you feel yourself being lifted from the ground, and your eyes flutter open. Your immediately greeted by Calum's strong arms wrapping around you, and you snuggle into his chest. A small chuckle escapes his soft, plump lips (( what the fuck did I just write )) as he lays you onto his side. "Cuddle," You whine and Calum happily wraps his arms around you, pulling your back into his bare, lean chest. "I'm the best cuddler." Calum says, kissing your shoulder, as you wonder 'Why is Calum's hair so fluffly?'

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