You Spend Time With His Family

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(( a/n: heyyy! long time, right? well before i get into the preference, i wanted to say that i'm having a contest ! i'm starting a new fanfiction called ripped and it's a Luke one, and i'm going to have a contest for anyone who wants to be a love interest in it ! you won't be the main character, but you will have a significant roll in all three books! this a wattpad contest, but if you're reading this on wattpad and don't have an account, then you can message me on one of my instagrams, fabusos or its.jashlyn or on my Twitter which is tattoedcal. i'd prefer that you message me on wattpad, but any one works. so you basically have to message me, on wattpad or any social media, your name, physical features, and your traits, and that's it! whoever i think fits the character the most will win! anyways, this was requested by a wonderful person aka erica aka @gucci-harry ))

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You were slightly nervous, as today was the day that you were meeting Luke's grandmother. He loved her dearly, and you really wanted to make a good impression on them. So, here you stood, on their front step, and Luke leaned over to ring the doorbell, then slipped his hand into yours. "They'll love you, don't worry," he murmured, and pressed a kiss to your temple just as the door swung open. "Grandma!" Luke exclaimed, and let go of your hand to hug her. "Oh, Luke, it's been two years now!" She sighed, hugging him back. When they stepped back, Luke pressed his hand to your back and said, "this is my girlfriend. Y/N." He grinned, like he always did when he introduced you. "Isn't she beautiful?" Luke said, looking at you lovingly. "Of course she is!" She enveloped you in an embrace. "Keep my Luke happy," She told you, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Now come in! It's freezing out there!" She waved you two in. "See, she let you in the house," He whispered, and you rolled your eyes. A young and energetic dog ran in from around the corner and jumped onto Luke, startling him. "Oh, Maxon, get down," His grandma sighed. "That's my service dog. I'm losing sight in one of my eyes," she tapped her right one. "I'm sorry to hear that," you politely said. "Well, it isn't your fault," And with that she turned around and disappeared into the living room. "My grandfather died of eye cancer," Luke breathed into your ear. You nodded and intertwined your fingers, then led you into the main room. There, the three of you drank tea, played card games and had a great time.

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"Hey Mrs. Clifford," You said, walking into the Clifford Household. Yours and Michael's wedding was in 8 months, and you guys were going over some decorations, while Michael and Daryl and the lads were going to get Michael a tux. "I've told you, you can call me Karen. Or even mum," She said, with a smile, and grabbed several fabric swatches from a drawer. "Alright, so these are the ones Michael picked, and now you get the final decision, pick two." She told you, sitting down beside you. "Well the theme is black, gold, and silver, so I'm going to say this one," you picked up a satiny black fabric, "and this one," it was a deep plum with gold and silver threads intertwined together. "Excellent choice." She smiled. "Michael said he wants a Pikachu at the reception." Karen told you, cocking an eyebrows. "Only for an hour." You sighed. "You're gonna let it happen?" She was a bit surprised. "I want this wedding to be something we both will remember forever, and he wants Pikachu there. So just for an hour." You shrugged, thinking it was simple logic. "You really love him, don't you?" Karen asked, placing her hand over yours. "Of course, I mean we're going to get married." You giggle. "He's found the perfect match. Who would let the groom bring Pikachu to the party?" Karen laughed. "I just had the perfect idea!" You squealed, tucking your feet beneath you. "What?" She asked. "Instead of me and Michael walking in together during the reception, Michael can walk in with Pikachu, then Pikachu can leave!" "Perfect! Now where can we book a Pikachu..."

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"Hey Lauren, Harry," You smiled to Ashton's siblings as they sat into your car. Ashton was at the studio for the day, and you were off work, so you decided to take Lauren and Harry out to lunch then to the mall. "Hey Y/N," Lauren grinned, and Harry mumbled a, "hi," while putting his seatbelt out. "So where do you wanna go?" You ask, looking at Harry through the rear view mirror. "Oh, there's a new restaurant that opened up near your flat, and I heard it's really good," Harry piped up. "I know which one you're talking about," You nodded and made the turn. "Have you heard any of the new music yet?" You asked, attempting conversation. "Yes! I love the single!" Lauren squealed. "Which one?" You ask, switching lanes. "The first one." She tells you. "Me too." You reply. "What about you, Harry?" You include the youngest in the conversation. "Um, I like the second one that they wrote," He says, after a second. "The love song?" You raise your eyebrows. "Harry's a bit of a sap," Lauren giggles. "Shut up," He groans. "What the hell?" You mutter, when you see Calum standing at the crosswalk, one hand cupping his balls and the other hiding his butt. You quickly pull over and roll down the window. "Cal, what's going on?" You ask, while the kids burst into laughter. "The lads stole my clothes and kicked me out of the van." His face was burning a bright red colour. "Really?" You didn't buy it. "Okay, I lost a bet." "Yeah, that's what I thought." You chuckle. You quickly pop the trunk while saying, "There's some of Ash's sweatpants in my trunk, why don't you grab them?" He gives you a thankful look and disappears for a second, then hops into your car. "God, Calum! Don't expose your balls to me!" You hear Harry complain, with a slight horrified tone. "Do you want me to drop you off to the studio?" You ask, and he nods. "Thanks Y/N, you're a life saver."

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You and Calum had only been boyfriend and girlfriend for two months, when he invited you to his family reunion. "That way you can meet all of my family at one time," He had said. So you had agreed, deciding to get it all over with. You chose a dress, (( the one above, but a bit longer than that )) then did your makeup, put your hair in a messy up do, and waited for Calum to pick you up. After what felt like forever, the doorbell rang, and you leapt up and swung the door open. He was dressed in a black button down, with the top buttons undone, and a black blazer, and black skinny jeans and combat boots. "Wow," he breathed taking you in. "You look so beautiful," He murmured, taking your hand in his, and running his thumb over your knuckles, while you blush. "You really do," He says, with a sheepish smile. He pulls you toward him, and gives you a soft kiss. When he pulls away, the heat on your cheeks lingers as he whispers to you, "ready?" You nod then quickly lock your door, and join him in his car. "My mum is really excited to meet you," he tells you. "Is my dress too short?" You subconsciously ask, tugging on the hem. "Oh God no, you should see how some of my cousins dress!" He exclaims, placing a hand on your knee to comfort you. And how his cousins dressed, you were basically a nun compared to them. "Y/N! It's so jive to finally meet you!" Joy had yelled over the loud music, and hugged you. "You too," You said politely. "Cal never stops talking about you." She says, holding you at arms length while Calum blushes. "Mum," he groans. "So Cal, this is your girl toy?" One of his cousins comes behind him. You frowned slightly. "Nope, she's my girlfriend," He beamed at you, and quickly grabbed you by the waist, and tilted your head with his other hand and kissed you. You weren't expecting it, so you had put your hand on his chest, and he took the opportunity to put both of his hands on your hips. You kissed back, but only for a moment, then pulled away, and hid your face in his chest. Someone said something, that you couldn't make out, and Calum's laughter vibrated through his chest. You were so happy to be there with him in that moment.

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ilysm ))

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