He Comes To Your Grave

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(( A/N: This one is a sad one so yeah. Bring on the tissues. ))

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Luke stepped out of the car and closed the door. Calum gave him a sympathetic look. Luke put his hands in his pockets and began walking to the place under the tree. He knelt down and began talking. "Hi Y/N. I want you to know that I love you so much, and I miss you so much. Tomorrow is the first concert we'll have since you di- left." His voice was rough as he hasn't spoken since your death. "Remember the day that, I asked you to homecoming? And you also hugged me that day." His eyes well up with tears and he sniffles. "I still dream of you. Every night." He closes his eyes and sees you. "I-I why do I have to go through all this pain?" He yells out to the cloudy sky. "I should've been in front of that car not you." He breaths heavily. "Y/N? How can I live without you?" He whispers. He places his hand on the date you died. "I love you Y/N."

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"I'm not going!" Michael begins crying in the car. He weeps. Ashton puts his arm over Michaels shoulders. "You'll have to someday. Just once please, 5 minutes." He whispers to Michael. Michael steps out and the 5 minutes end up to be 5 hours. Michael tells your gravestone everything that's happened since you died. "Y/N remember our first fight? You called me an arrogant bastard." He says chuckling. Michael quickly wipes a tear from his eye. "I'm not gonna cry in front of you." He speaks to you. "I'm gonna smile" He says smiling weakly. "I love you Y/N. I love you more than you would ever know, my beautiful angel." Michael whispers, and kisses your name on the gravestone. He finally breaks down in tears.

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Ashton takes a deep breath before stepping forward to your gravestone. "I told you I'd be back, Y/N!" Ashton says. He had visited your grave every day he was in town. If he wasn't in town, every night he talked to your picture. "How are you?" He asked. The wind spoke in your favor. He continued the conversation on like this for about a half an hour more. "Y/N, when I come up to heaven, will you be waiting for me?" He whispers. "Because I know you will. You'll be waiting for me with a ring. We'll have to get married in heaven. Right?" He says, chuckling. "I'm leaving tomorrow to go on tour again, but I'll come here before I leave. I promise." Ashton smiles and blows a kiss toward the heavens.

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Calum had gone on a walk and found himself on his way to the graveyard. The graveyard that you were buried in. Calum found his feet walking to your grave, by the flag. He sat down cross-legged in front of the grave. He waved to it. "Hi Y/N," He said. "I miss you, and I love you." He reminded you, for some reason. You wanted him to know that you did too. "Remember how we would fight about what we would name our children?" Calum asked. You wanted him to know that you did. You tried your best to speak to him from above but your voice was failing you. "We were supposed to grow old together Y/N, and bicker about everything while we sat on rocking chairs on the porch. We would watch the sunset and fight about what color it was." He said chuckling, wiping tears that spilt down your cheeks. "Calum," you whispered.

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(( A/N i don't even know what the fuck i just wrote ))

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