Summer Alive Preference

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(( A/N: To light things up a bit, here's more of a up beat song that has no dying, breaking up, or killing!! Yay! But just to say you've comeback from a party and this is what happens. Or just drunk. Or at a party. ))

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"You're my drug, can't get enough."

"Mmhmm babe." Luke mumbles and nuzzles his face in your neck. You push his face away, knowing he was intoxicated. "That wasn't very nice." He says pouting, sticking out his lip ring. "You know you can't resist me." He says. "I think your illegal, cause you're my drug." Luke says winking at you, trying his newest chat up line. You laugh and he hugs you. Luke yells out, "IMA FUCK A PENGUIN TONIGHT!!" And you face palm. You hit Luke gently and say, "Luke we have neighbors." Luke makes a serious face, and began to reach for his phone. "Can I call the police cause, you're hitting me, and that's like abuse. At least I think it is."

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"I want to dance, until it feels like time is standing still."

"Y/N, lets go dance!!!" Michael yells over the music, and drags you onto the dance floor without waiting for your answer. You were both intoxicated. You dance, NOT dirty dance, the night away. You cheer as your favorite song Summer Alive by The Wanted comes on and you sing "I want to dance until, it feels like," Michael sings. "Time is standing still!" You sing/yell back. He laughs and twirls you around. You laugh as you trip over you feet and almost face plant. "Y/N, you almost died!!!" Michael yells, looking worried. You cup his face, "Babe, don't worry I'm SUMMER ALIVE!!!" You yell and Michael collapses into hysterics at your pun.

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"Forget the world just, let me in."

"Come on!!" Ashton pleaded banging on the door. You giggled and shook your head. Maybe you had too much beer. You began to jump on the bed. "Just let me in!" He groans. "Ashton come in!! I'm having SO much fun! Wait, you can't come in! Cause I locked the door!" You yell out. Ashton heard you jumping and called out, "Babe, don't fall down!" You laugh and spin around while jumping, impressing yourself. "I WON'T!!!" You yell loudly. "Ashton 'Drummer' Irwin, you are stupid!" You yell. "Why?" He yells back, clearly frustrated with your childish antics. "Theres a key to the door above the base! Oops, I wasn't supposed to tell you that. Forget what I just said!!!" You yell.

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"Want to, give you forever to tonight."

"I'll give you forever if you want, but let me wee first." Calum says as soon as you enter the flat, and you can't help but laugh. He rushes to the bathroom and buckling his belt on the way. You undress and slip into your pajamas. You sit down on the couch, and wrap a blanket around you. You hear a satisfied sigh, and the toilet flush, and you stifle a laugh. You wait a few minutes before Calum comes out fully undressed. "Calum, I swear. You'll be found in the police station, at some point, for public nudity." You scold him shaking your head. He puts his hands on his hips and pouts. "Babe, Im trying to turn you on!"

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