He Admits His Feelings To You

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You get a call from your best friend Luke. "Hey Luke!" You greet him. "Uhm Y/N, can you come over?" He asks, his voice shaking. You can tell he's nervous. "Yeah, I'll be over in ten minutes." You tell him. Once you get to his house, you knock on the door. "Oh, hi Y/N," Liz says, opening the door. "Luke's in his room," She tells you, gesturing to the stairs. "Thanks," You say, and gravitate toward the steps, taking two at a time. You knock on his door, then open it and find his room empty. But the window is open and the screen is leaning against his wall. Expertly, you step onto the roof, and make your way towards Luke, who's facing his backyard. "You called me?" You say, and he looks up at you. "Yeah," He says, and pats to the space next to him. You sit down next to him, and he turns toward you. He takes a deep breath in and turns his gaze to yours. "I don't know any other way to say this, but I really like you." Luke says nervously. You sit there for a moment, thinking it's just a dream. "I like you too." You say. "No you don't understand. I like-like you, like a crush, like the ones you have in middle scho-" You cut him off by smashing your lips onto his.

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You sat alone in the tree house that you and your best friend Michael grew up in. "Hey," Michael says, his head poking up from the trap door. He steps off the ladder and into the tree house. He stands, his head almost touching the ceiling, with his hands shoved in his pockets. "How you feeling?" He asks, referring to your recent break how with your boyfriend of over 2 and a half years. You shake your head, and your eyes well up with tears. Michael walks toward you and engulfs you in an embrace. "He's such a bastard, he doesn't deserve a single tear of yours. Especially after what he did to you." Michael says, and you sob into his baseball t-shirt. "Baby, shhh," He pacifies you, then pulls away to look you in the eye. He tilts your chin up and your lost in the world of his eyes. "I have to tell you something." He says. "It might change everything, and you might not be ready for it," He cautions. "Hit me." You say, and wipe your nose. "I like you." He says, and draws in a slow, shaky breath. Then he leans down and gently kisses you. Softly, slowly, passionately. He pulls away, and leans his forehead against yours. "I like you too." You say, and continue on tugging on the ends of his hair, like you did when you were kissing him. He wraps his arms all the way around your waist and begins swaying with you. "Good, cause that would've been awkward." He laughs, and you smile. "What do we do now?" You ask, meaning with your relationship with Michael. "We have a movie date. Come to my house at 6, and be prepared to stay over, cuddle, watch movies, and possibly make out."

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"I mean, I don't wanna be friend zoned by her!" Ashton rants to Luke, once you've stepped out of the bathroom. You lean against the wall and listen some more. "Dude, she likes you. Just shut up and ask her out." Luke advises. You step out from the shadows to confront the two. "So who's the lucky girl?" You ask, faking a smile to mask the pain you feel inside. The truth is, you've liked Ashton since grade 3, but you never told him, because he always liked someone else. It just never was you. "Uhm," Ashton stutters and Luke laughs a bit awkwardly, and scratches the back of his neck. "Well I'll just be on my way out." Luke says, and makes his way toward the door, after tripping over his own feet. "But seriously Ashton, who do you like?" You ask, forcing a smile for your best friend. That girl must be super lucky. "I think you might know her?" Ashton asks more than says. "Really? Who?" You try to ask excitedly. Ashton steps toward you, and before you know it, your pressed against the wall and Ashton is towering over you, his face centimeters away. His breathing shallows and he averts his gaze from your lips. "You." He mutters, and crashes his lips on to yours.

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*Calum's POV*

Calum pulls his phone out, and immediately FaceTimes Y/N. He lays back and props his feet on the couch, and almost falls down as the tour bus hits a bump. "Hey Y/N!" Calum gushes once he sees the face of his best friend on his phone screen. She's in her bed cuddling the giraffe pillow pet he had gotten her before he left to go on tour. "Hi, Cal," Y/N says, and her face is covered with an ear to ear grin. "How's tour?" She asks, her voice projecting from the tiny speakers. "Its great, but I miss you like hell." Calum pouts. "Home isn't the same without you." Y/N replies, a small frown taking over her features. "Only two and a half months!" Calum encourages, weakly. "Yay." Y/N says unenthusiastically. "Aw, don't be that way." Calum laughs, and Y/N rolls over on her bed. "I'll be how I want, thank you very much." Y/N pouts. "Alright." Calum surrenders, and Y/N explodes into a fit of giggles. "Where are the lads?" She asks, noting the quietness. "They went out." Calum explains. "Without you." Y/N laughs. "'Cause I was taking a dump." Calum replies, and bursts into laughter along with Y/N. "I have to tell you something." Calum says, wiping tears from his eyes. "What?" Y/N asks, propping her chin on her hand. "I like you." Calum says really quietly. "Calum, what the fuck, I can't hear you." Y/N whines. "I like you. More than a friend." He says, normally. "I like you too. More than a friend." Y/N says, and smiles widely. Calum couldn't help but smile along with her.

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(( A/N: My allergies just love attacking my eyeballs, like whoa. ))

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